Violence at Euro 2016

It is pretty evident that the French police are incompetent and too aggressive at dealing with these situations. Why did France put themselves forward for hosting the tournament if they can't handle what's been going on? They're happy to reap the benefits of hosting a tournament but cry as soon as there's a bit of trouble which goes with any football tournament. I'm sure bar owners, hotel owners won't complain over the takings they've had.

Would be interested to hear if there were any police not in riot gear actually liaising with fans, providing support and assistance, having a laugh and banter with fans. All I've seen is footage of Frog police in riot gear, firing off tear gas willy nilly.
It's quite amazing and embarrassing to see these clips of grown men bouncing up and down goading the police. Need to get the media to get a close up of these so called humans and plaster them on the morning papers. Lets see how they react to their bosses when they go back to work.
It is pretty evident that the French police are incompetent and too aggressive at dealing with these situations. Why did France put themselves forward for hosting the tournament if they can't handle what's been going on? They're happy to reap the benefits of hosting a tournament but cry as soon as there's a bit of trouble which goes with any football tournament. I'm sure bar owners, hotel owners won't complain over the takings they've had.

Would be interested to hear if there were any police not in riot gear actually liaising with fans, providing support and assistance, having a laugh and banter with fans. All I've seen is footage of Frog police in riot gear, firing off tear gas willy nilly.
Oh please, give it a rest. How many clips have you seen of the police deliberately forcing themselves upon innocent bystanders? I bet you can't show me a single one.

Next, try and find evidence of 'supposed' fans deliberately goading the local police. I'm sure it won't take you more than 1 minute.
No surprise at all this is happening, all day drinking + mindless morons (and England seem to have a fair share of them!) = violence.

It is just the mentality for some people. I was at Moon under on Deansgate after we'd been promoted with Keegan, forget which game as we got promoted before season end. I live in Withington so in those days, as I went wih my dad, used to just walk back from Maine Rd, however it was such a nice day and in good mood went in to town and ended up in Deansgate. ended up outside, drinking and singing songs, great atmosphere, real celebration, everyone in fantastic mood, it was great.

Until a cop car drives past, stops in traffic, and one lad who had seemed "OK" just shouted "effing pigs" and launched a bottle at it. I just had time to down my pint and leave by the time the riot police turned up en-masse and shut the place.

Just always sticks in my mind that, we were having a great time, it was a celebration, there was no need for it at all, the police did nothing, however some people have too many and want to fight the world and the police become a target.

On flip side the French police should have known this would happen. I didn't go but heard from a few lads who went Germany world cup, and there was beer-related aggro there too, however the German police seemed prepared, designated where fans to go, and would eject those who wouldn't do what they said. the numbers seem bigger in France but the Germans were certainly ready for the mindless morons once they were drunk and wanted to fight the world.

Shame really, I like many football fans (especially blues!) enjoy a good drink, but when you sense the atmosphere changing you do one. Doesn't matter what pub or country you are in, these idiots are everywhere and all football clubs have them.

they should create a "fight zone" somewhere and wall them in to a hall of mirrors where they can shout obscenities and fight their own reflections as long as they want, and leave the adults to just have a good time
It is pretty evident that the French police are incompetent and too aggressive at dealing with these situations. Why did France put themselves forward for hosting the tournament if they can't handle what's been going on? They're happy to reap the benefits of hosting a tournament but cry as soon as there's a bit of trouble which goes with any football tournament. I'm sure bar owners, hotel owners won't complain over the takings they've had.

Would be interested to hear if there were any police not in riot gear actually liaising with fans, providing support and assistance, having a laugh and banter with fans. All I've seen is footage of Frog police in riot gear, firing off tear gas willy nilly.

Personally i have not seen to much nasty stuff from teh French, useless a bit maybe but nothing nasty. That said i don't watch all the video's noted as having footage of some poor sod getting hammered to fuck on the floor by Russians so may have missed stuff.

In the French defense they probably had no idea until the last minute 500 trained russian holligans were coming with the specific intention of using their cities as battle grounds. Further to that they have had workers rioting to the point they really did beat the shit out of their own cops

As annoying as it is it is also easier for Claude to nick a pissed up 20yo scrawny **** from leigh than a mma trained Russian fucker who has his wits about him hence we see ours get nicked and few of theirs.

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