"We Hate You, City, We Do!"

Every non City fan is very very worried now and that means we are doing things right for us and that's the bottom line.

Cash plus qualification for CL = World domination. Everyone wants it stopped now... but it's too late. We are going to finish top 4 and then the real fun begins.

This? This is nothing.
Absolutely love it, as I posted in the other thread. Imagine how much more satisfying it'll be lifting trophies, knowing that everyone hates our guts. Rather that than Spurs getting patronisingly back-slapped by the English media and the wider English football following public - both of these groups are generally a healthy mixture of fuckwits and scum and their approval would only serve to make me quite nauseous :)
raininspain said:
In a very short period of time we've gone from a club that many other supporters had a soft spot for, to becoming everyone's most hated team.

And the same goes for the vast majority of the media.

Does it really worry you? It's nice to be loved, isn't it?

Perhaps we should do a Millwall and get T-shirts printed with:

"No-one likes us, We don't care"!!

I've never been a person who has needed that praise and approval of others to make me feel good. I've never liked following the majority or the norm. I went to school in Trafford and a huge majority were Rags, but I preferred being a Blue because it was cooler and more underground to be. I like underground techno/house and hate commercial music, I don't listen to any commercial radio stations or music at all, I couldn't tell you who is number one in the charts. Even though very few people I know like the same music as me, I'd hate to just follow everyone else like a faceless sheep and listen to absolute shit from the likes if the awful Black Eyed Peas or Rihanna. I don't follow fashion trends because everyone else does, I make my own mind up on things which look good. I would absolutely hate it if I turned up to the CoMS and had some Cockney, Irish, Scandinavian or far eastern bangwagoner sat next to me singing the wrong words to Blue Moon because he's seen the magical "City dream" in Enlgish newspapers and on television. I want City to be hated, I want us to stay more underground. So I welcome all the bad press! Many will point out the wrongs in that but that's just the way I am!
Gary James said:
It's obvious why teams like Arsenal have taken a dislike to City - we're now a threat. However, I'm not convinced City are as hated as the media make out.

If City stand a serious chance of winning the League in May I would guess that many fans of teams without a chance will be supporting us. No one truly wants Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and er Liverpool (?) to win everything all the time.

When Chelsea won their first title since the money flooded in the majority of fans (excluding Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea's usual rivals) were happy for them.

I am convinced City will gain positive support from other clubs' fans if City disrupt Utd, Arsenal & Chelsea's plans.

With all due respect, Mr James, the truth of what you may want to say about the media may be hampered by the fact that you get to represent us on TV, from time to time!!

We'd love it if you gave 'em both barrels, here and there, but...

We still love ya, anyway!!
OK, so the media and others don't like us and are continually talking shite about us, but as a wise man once said..."There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about". Fook 'em all and just enjoy the ride.
If it's a choice between being shit & liked or trying to win something & be hated then i choose hate! I couldnt give a fuck what Fans of other Clubs think of us. They only know what they read in the papers or see on tv. They can keep their precious history as well. We have history, maybe it's not full of winning trophy after trophy like some clubs but we still have history regardless. It's a new era for us it's all about NOW & the FUTURE & our future is looking rosy as fuck! So for all you other fans that love to chat shit about City & hate City....... FUCK YOU ALL & FUCK YOUR CLUBS TOO! C.T.I.D!
Far better than being patronised, I often browse other teams forums and the most common thing people say about us is

"I used to have a soft spot for City, but since they came into money I hate them"

Which just says they are jealous, Blackpool fans hate us as well LOL
Initially, I found it really hard to accept that City had become a real hate figure in football. I was getting into arguments constantly about 'em.. But now? Now, I couldn't give a fuck what people think.

"POOR ICKLE BABY CITY" are dead. Long live the juggernaut.
we used to be a circus now we are the business.

fuck em all, if we are hated then we must be doing something right

forza mancini


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