We need some stability!!

King Of The Kippax

Well-Known Member
2 Oct 2008
Firstly id like to say i was 100% a Hughes inner, for the reasons im going to discuss in this post, however would like to stress im also behind mancini. ups and downs happen at every football club and pressure is always on managers, but at the moment especially our club becuase of media interest & the fact we are owned by who we are owned by.
I feel if we do ,what alot of people are suggesting on this forum, sack Mancini, we again as a football club will take another huge step backwards. i appreciate the fact that we havnt had the best of results in recent weeks, however what if we sack Mancini, bring in Mourinho and he also does the same? Do we sack him, and become the lauging stock of football?
I didnt want Hughes to go, i thought we needed stability at the time and wanted Hughes to be at this club for a long time and be successful (which i truly believed he would be) but that is now gone, so i 100% support Mancini and feel the same, success doesnt happen overnight & sacking the manager everytime we go through a rough patch is not the answer.
I understand how frustrating it is losing to the Hulls & Stokes of this world when were challenging for Top 4, but sometimes i think we need to bite our lip and get behind the club we all love & get behind Mr Mancini & his team, the last thing they need, as well as pressure from the media and the fact everyone outside MCFC hate us, is the clubs own fans wanting a change of managment every 10 games!!
Lets get behind the players, the club and get right behind Bobby Manc...lets be proud to be Blues & be proud of who we've got!!! Lets give him a proper chance, and yes i may be wrong & it may be a disatser but personally, i feel he needs time, how much time? i dont know, but definatley we need to keep him, i really hope he proves a number of you wrong....

King Of The Kippax said:
Firstly id like to say i was 100% a Hughes inner, for the reasons im going to discuss in this post, however would like to stress im also behind mancini. ups and downs happen at every football club and pressure is always on managers, but at the moment especially our club becuase of media interest & the fact we are owned by who we are owned by.
I feel if we do ,what alot of people are suggesting on this forum, sack Mancini, we again as a football club will take another huge step backwards. i appreciate the fact that we havnt had the best of results in recent weeks, however what if we sack Mancini, bring in Mourinho and he also does the same? Do we sack him, and become the lauging stock of football?
I didnt want Hughes to go, i thought we needed stability at the time and wanted Hughes to be at this club for a long time and be successful (which i truly believed he would be) but that is now gone, so i 100% support Mancini and feel the same, success doesnt happen overnight & sacking the manager everytime we go through a rough patch is not the answer.
I understand how frustrating it is losing to the Hulls & Stokes of this world when were challenging for Top 4, but sometimes i think we need to bite our lip and get behind the club we all love & get behind Mr Mancini & his team, the last thing they need, as well as pressure from the media and the fact everyone outside MCFC hate us, is the clubs own fans wanting a change of managment every 10 games!!
Lets get behind the players, the club and get right behind Bobby Manc...lets be proud to be Blues & be proud of who we've got!!! Lets give him a proper chance, and yes i may be wrong & it may be a disatser but personally, i feel he needs time, how much time? i dont know, but definatley we need to keep him, i really hope he proves a number of you wrong....


The unfortunate thing with a bad run of results, or a string of results that had fans expecting different, is that the same fans can't see anything different on the horizon.

Football is a crazy game that even the most inconspicuous event can divert people into a frenzy. The building of a team is a slow, slow process and with but 40 odd games a season, clubs and managers don't have a great deal of time to get an organisation on the pitch which maximises points, which is what all the EPL season is about. Injuries, suspensions, loss of form and inability in the transfer window can put plans back a six months.

There is only one key to a successful side - patience.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
King Of The Kippax said:
Firstly id like to say i was 100% a Hughes inner, for the reasons im going to discuss in this post, however would like to stress im also behind mancini. ups and downs happen at every football club and pressure is always on managers, but at the moment especially our club becuase of media interest & the fact we are owned by who we are owned by.
I feel if we do ,what alot of people are suggesting on this forum, sack Mancini, we again as a football club will take another huge step backwards. i appreciate the fact that we havnt had the best of results in recent weeks, however what if we sack Mancini, bring in Mourinho and he also does the same? Do we sack him, and become the lauging stock of football?
I didnt want Hughes to go, i thought we needed stability at the time and wanted Hughes to be at this club for a long time and be successful (which i truly believed he would be) but that is now gone, so i 100% support Mancini and feel the same, success doesnt happen overnight & sacking the manager everytime we go through a rough patch is not the answer.
I understand how frustrating it is losing to the Hulls & Stokes of this world when were challenging for Top 4, but sometimes i think we need to bite our lip and get behind the club we all love & get behind Mr Mancini & his team, the last thing they need, as well as pressure from the media and the fact everyone outside MCFC hate us, is the clubs own fans wanting a change of managment every 10 games!!
Lets get behind the players, the club and get right behind Bobby Manc...lets be proud to be Blues & be proud of who we've got!!! Lets give him a proper chance, and yes i may be wrong & it may be a disatser but personally, i feel he needs time, how much time? i dont know, but definatley we need to keep him, i really hope he proves a number of you wrong....


The unfortunate thing with a bad run of results, or a string of results that had fans expecting different, is that the same fans can't see anything different on the horizon.

Football is a crazy game that even the most inconspicuous event can divert people into a frenzy. The building of a team is a slow, slow process and with but 40 odd games a season, clubs and managers don't have a great deal of time to get an organisation on the pitch which maximises points, which is what all the EPL season is about. Injuries, suspensions, loss of form and inability in the transfer window can put plans back a six months.

There is only one key to a successful side - patience.

Agreed. But we didn't show it 2 months ago and maybe won't again.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
King Of The Kippax said:
Firstly id like to say i was 100% a Hughes inner, for the reasons im going to discuss in this post, however would like to stress im also behind mancini. ups and downs happen at every football club and pressure is always on managers, but at the moment especially our club becuase of media interest & the fact we are owned by who we are owned by.
I feel if we do ,what alot of people are suggesting on this forum, sack Mancini, we again as a football club will take another huge step backwards. i appreciate the fact that we havnt had the best of results in recent weeks, however what if we sack Mancini, bring in Mourinho and he also does the same? Do we sack him, and become the lauging stock of football?
I didnt want Hughes to go, i thought we needed stability at the time and wanted Hughes to be at this club for a long time and be successful (which i truly believed he would be) but that is now gone, so i 100% support Mancini and feel the same, success doesnt happen overnight & sacking the manager everytime we go through a rough patch is not the answer.
I understand how frustrating it is losing to the Hulls & Stokes of this world when were challenging for Top 4, but sometimes i think we need to bite our lip and get behind the club we all love & get behind Mr Mancini & his team, the last thing they need, as well as pressure from the media and the fact everyone outside MCFC hate us, is the clubs own fans wanting a change of managment every 10 games!!
Lets get behind the players, the club and get right behind Bobby Manc...lets be proud to be Blues & be proud of who we've got!!! Lets give him a proper chance, and yes i may be wrong & it may be a disatser but personally, i feel he needs time, how much time? i dont know, but definatley we need to keep him, i really hope he proves a number of you wrong....


The unfortunate thing with a bad run of results, or a string of results that had fans expecting different, is that the same fans can't see anything different on the horizon.

Football is a crazy game that even the most inconspicuous event can divert people into a frenzy. The building of a team is a slow, slow process and with but 40 odd games a season, clubs and managers don't have a great deal of time to get an organisation on the pitch which maximises points, which is what all the EPL season is about. Injuries, suspensions, loss of form and inability in the transfer window can put plans back a six months.

There is only one key to a successful side - patience.[/quote]

Agree with this statement
King Of The Kippax said:
i was 100% a Hughes inner me too

im also behind mancini me too

I understand how frustrating it is losing to the Hulls & Stokes of this world we're not alone, many 'top' teams have lost this season to 'lower' teams, e.g. Burnley beat Scum

Lets get behind the players, the club and get right behind Bobby Manc...we need to keep him, i really hope he proves a number of you wrong.... agreed

King Of The Kippax said:
Firstly id like to say i was 100% a Hughes inner, for the reasons im going to discuss in this post, however would like to stress im also behind mancini. ups and downs happen at every football club and pressure is always on managers, but at the moment especially our club becuase of media interest & the fact we are owned by who we are owned by.
I feel if we do ,what alot of people are suggesting on this forum, sack Mancini, we again as a football club will take another huge step backwards. i appreciate the fact that we havnt had the best of results in recent weeks, however what if we sack Mancini, bring in Mourinho and he also does the same? Do we sack him, and become the lauging stock of football?
I didnt want Hughes to go, i thought we needed stability at the time and wanted Hughes to be at this club for a long time and be successful (which i truly believed he would be) but that is now gone, so i 100% support Mancini and feel the same, success doesnt happen overnight & sacking the manager everytime we go through a rough patch is not the answer.
I understand how frustrating it is losing to the Hulls & Stokes of this world when were challenging for Top 4, but sometimes i think we need to bite our lip and get behind the club we all love & get behind Mr Mancini & his team, the last thing they need, as well as pressure from the media and the fact everyone outside MCFC hate us, is the clubs own fans wanting a change of managment every 10 games!!
Lets get behind the players, the club and get right behind Bobby Manc...lets be proud to be Blues & be proud of who we've got!!! Lets give him a proper chance, and yes i may be wrong & it may be a disatser but personally, i feel he needs time, how much time? i dont know, but definatley we need to keep him, i really hope he proves a number of you wrong....

Good call, I 100% agree with your points !
I agree to an extent. We should not feed the tabloids by another crisis sacking and City fans should think very carefully about calling for another change.

It was stated from day one that Mancini (notice how it's surnames now and not Bobby Manc anymore) was here until the end of the season and he set HIMSELF clear parameters.
If he doesn't make his own targets or at the very least show clear signs of sorting it out he should step down and this should be done with a bit of class for a change and as little drama as possible. Did you hear that Mr Cooke?

I don't think the squad are with him anymore and nobody overcomes that.

We are approaching yet another fork in the road.
You can only achieve eventual stability when you have the right candidate for the job, forsight is a great thing.

But stability comes as a matter of course when you are successful, there is no in-between for those clubs wanting success.

Do you not think even Fergie would be immune from catcalls if he failed to land United a trophy over a two-three year period.

You're intentions and soundbites are good, but you betray your rationale, when you say Mark Hughes was the right man for the job.

There are too many City fans too scared to twist, preferring to stick in the comfort zone.

Science never evolved by sticking to the same formula, there were different concotions before an end result is achieved.

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