web site now working - impressed



After posting last night that i was experiencing numerous problems with the web site videos etc. I can now report that everything is working well and i am impressed. Please merge MODS but i just thought it would be gud to post some good news on the subject. Its all too easy to moan. Well done City.
Overall I think its a massive improvement. One complaint though. The club history pages could and should be a hell of a lot better that this poor showing! C'mon Blues, we have much to celebrate and shout about, lets promote our colourful history with a bit more imagination!!
I think its really good, really sharp and responsive without all the advertising crap.

Well done City.
Such massive wholesale changes meant there where always gonna be problems thees things take time to iron out. Just people expect perfection straight away and life in general aint like that!!
pbibs said:
After posting last night that i was experiencing numerous problems with the web site videos etc. I can now report that everything is working well and i am impressed. Please merge MODS but i just thought it would be gud to post some good news on the subject. Its all too easy to moan. Well done City.
didnt u see the other thread, why start an identical one
I am very happy indeed with the new website.

I think it is amazing especially all the videos they put on them the owners and city are really getting there act together for becoming the best in the world.
mcfc_die_hard said:
I am very happy indeed with the new website.

I think it is amazing especially all the videos they put on them the owners and city are really getting there act together for becoming the best in the world.
=blue manc]from top to bottom we are going to be the number 1 club and peaple are starting to take notice, bring it on.
chrisi said:
pbibs said:
After posting last night that i was experiencing numerous problems with the web site videos etc. I can now report that everything is working well and i am impressed. Please merge MODS but i just thought it would be gud to post some good news on the subject. Its all too easy to moan. Well done City.
didnt u see the other thread, why start an identical one

Yes i did chrisi (ahem). Are you still learning to read.

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