
bluemoon32 said:
Dubai Blue said:
I've never understood why people complain about the national stadium. Visits to Wembley are rare and, as such, should stand out in your memory as special occasions.

I'd much rather spend two days on the piss in London before a Cup Final than just drive an hour down the motorway to some hellhole bit of wasteland in Birmingham on the morning of the game.

Just as bad as a hellhole bit of wasteland in London .
No it isn't.

Whilst Wembley itself isn't a particularly nice place, it is in one of the world's great cities. Going to Birmingham or Coventry just wouldn't be special. Imagine being a foreign fan and having to go to the outskirts of Coventry to watch your team in the Champions League final. It'd be a national embarrassment.
Dubai Blue said:
bluemoon32 said:
Dubai Blue said:
I've never understood why people complain about the national stadium. Visits to Wembley are rare and, as such, should stand out in your memory as special occasions.

I'd much rather spend two days on the piss in London before a Cup Final than just drive an hour down the motorway to some hellhole bit of wasteland in Birmingham on the morning of the game.

Just as bad as a hellhole bit of wasteland in London .
No it isn't.

Whilst Wembley itself isn't a particularly nice place, it is in one of the world's great cities. Going to Birmingham or Coventry just wouldn't be special. Imagine being a foreign fan and having to go to the outskirts of Coventry to watch your team in the Champions League final. It'd be a national embarrassment.

spot on.
bluemoon32 said:
Dubai Blue said:
I've never understood why people complain about the national stadium. Visits to Wembley are rare and, as such, should stand out in your memory as special occasions.

I'd much rather spend two days on the piss in London before a Cup Final than just drive an hour down the motorway to some hellhole bit of wasteland in Birmingham on the morning of the game.

Just as bad as a hellhole bit of wasteland in London .

don`t think you`ve grasped the point, this isn`t so you can have a bit of a break in london and take in a show with her in doors.

this is not for our convenience, the finalist supporters are given a token ticket distribution, the vast majority going to twats that probably never go to watch a game (that they have paid for out of their own money) from coming out of one fa cup final to going through the doors to the next.
these hangers on make me piss,
the idea its in london makes me piss,

i having been to watch city in all the finals we have been in, except against gornik in vienna, "he says with a tear in his eye", i have enjoyed the atmosphere of the quarters and semis much more than any of the finals, this is probably because only 30% of the people at the final actually give a flying fuck who wins because they are there for the occation, the day out, as something to do before they take in a show, not because they support either side in the final.

its wrong and anybody that doesn`t realise that is a twat

imo :-)
PSmyth07 said:
Should wembley be in the midlands, considering that its for ENGLAND not just for London. Maybe they would get better atmosphere if it wasn't just cotneys there.

Bit late now mate.
The whole fucking thing is a shambles and just takes the piss out of the real supporters.
r.soleofsalford said:
its wrong and anybody that doesn`t realise that is a twat
And saying things like that really persuades me to come round to your way of thinking.

Are you seriously suggesting that a national stadium in the West Midlands would have any less sponsors' tickets? If you are, I think you need to step outside for a spot of fresh air.
Dubai Blue said:
r.soleofsalford said:
its wrong and anybody that doesn`t realise that is a twat
And saying things like that really persuades me to come round to your way of thinking.

Are you seriously suggesting that a national stadium in the West Midlands would have any less sponsors' tickets? If you are, I think you need to step outside for a spot of fresh air.

i think you have only been using the snippets of my post you want to use . your not a journalist perchance:-}

the only reason i want to go to wembley is to see my team in the final, to be honest i wouldnt care if it was in barrow in furrness, its the cup final i`d be there not for the day out but to see my team hopefully lift the cup,

when i said twats i did say imo ;-} ;-p
Dubai Blue said:
r.soleofsalford said:
its wrong and anybody that doesn`t realise that is a twat
And saying things like that really persuades me to come round to your way of thinking.

Are you seriously suggesting that a national stadium in the West Midlands would have any less sponsors' tickets? If you are, I think you need to step outside for a spot of fresh air.

yes i do think there would be less of the prawn sandwich brigade if the final was held in the west midlands which would hopefully leave more tickets for the genuine fans
r.soleofsalford said:
Dubai Blue said:
r.soleofsalford said:
its wrong and anybody that doesn`t realise that is a twat
And saying things like that really persuades me to come round to your way of thinking.

Are you seriously suggesting that a national stadium in the West Midlands would have any less sponsors' tickets? If you are, I think you need to step outside for a spot of fresh air.

yes i do think there would be less of the prawn sandwich brigade if the final was held in the west midlands which would hopefully leave more tickets for the genuine fans
Well, I'm afraid you're wrong, but I won't resort to calling you a twat!
Dubai Blue said:
r.soleofsalford said:
Dubai Blue said:
r.soleofsalford said:
its wrong and anybody that doesn`t realise that is a twat
And saying things like that really persuades me to come round to your way of thinking.

Are you seriously suggesting that a national stadium in the West Midlands would have any less sponsors' tickets? If you are, I think you need to step outside for a spot of fresh air.

yes i do think there would be less of the prawn sandwich brigade if the final was held in the west midlands which would hopefully leave more tickets for the genuine fans
Well, I'm afraid you're wrong, but I won't resort to calling you a twat!

would i try to upset you after you gave me the gen on dubai i think not.

the twat thing was tongue in cheek that why i put (imo ;-))

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