What Causes Autism?

Hating people and not interacting with them sounds like heaven to me !

My son is diagnosed with a range of personality abnormalities as a youngish adult, and he is more than aware that it has good, great and fantastic benefits. He will point to the fact he can read and digest journals for 3 days straight......he is blissfully unaware of fucking strange he becomes after 3 days without sleep, even worse to avoid crashes he finds meds keep him going for even longer...oh how we laugh :)
What I find ridiculous about this whole situation is that originally there was one (dodgy) study that a particular vaccine may cause autism. Obviously that was proven to be bullshit, and yet somehow we're now in a situation where the morons who still believe this bullshit have extended that to all vaccines causing every condition under the sun. And it basically comes down to one simple fact: it's far easier to shit out a book full of lies to sell to gullible parents than it is to do proper scientific research, and bullshit scare stories sell newspapers.

Incidentally, one possible cause I've heard cited is people having babies later in life.
Sooooo, I feel I'm quite qualified to comment on this as I have high functioning autism and teach kids with autism. The vaccine thing is UTTER BOLLOCKS!!!! Autism is a difference in how peoples brains are wired up compared with 'normal' people. It's much more likely to occur in males, although it can be present in females. Basically my problems are triggered by anxiety - yes I'm a joy to be around when City play lol - where I get massive hyper sensitivity. Light and sound can be multiplied by up to 6 times during severe cases and it's a nightmare. I usually just go and sit in a dark room for an hour or go sit on a hill and it calms down. I also have massive problems when things are unfair and get into many arguments with people if they are lying, cheating etc.- again great when watching the refs in City games. Oh yeh and I can't lie :-(
If I'm on a good day and the drugs are working you wouldn't be able to tell, but if I'm on a bad one you'd just think I was weird and arrogant.
It has it's benefits though as most autistics have special skills such as maths etc. Mines drawing/copying, and as well as teaching I earn a fortune designing individual tattoo's for people (tattoojedi if you wanna google me ;-))
I've a very understanding wife which helps. I left home about 13 years ago after the birth of my second child. I thought I hated the kids but the actual problem was the tone of the crying baby that set me off. After getting a test and being diagnosed my life changed and I'm on top of it now. Having autism at my level isn't an obstacle in having a fulfilling life at all. Thousands of people have it without knowing it. I've had problems but doesn't everyone? I've played professional football as a youngster briefly, played professional cricket and have 2 great jobs now as well. I think the autism helps with seeing perspective so I'm good at ball games. So more swings than roundabouts.
IT CAN'T BE CURED AND IT CAN'T BE CAUGHT. Anyone who says otherwise is talking utter uneducated tripe.
Hope you enjoyed my life story lol zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sooooo, I feel I'm quite qualified to comment on this as I have high functioning autism and teach kids with autism. The vaccine thing is UTTER BOLLOCKS!!!! Autism is a difference in how peoples brains are wired up compared with 'normal' people. It's much more likely to occur in males, although it can be present in females. Basically my problems are triggered by anxiety - yes I'm a joy to be around when City play lol - where I get massive hyper sensitivity. Light and sound can be multiplied by up to 6 times during severe cases and it's a nightmare. I usually just go and sit in a dark room for an hour or go sit on a hill and it calms down. I also have massive problems when things are unfair and get into many arguments with people if they are lying, cheating etc.- again great when watching the refs in City games. Oh yeh and I can't lie :-(
If I'm on a good day and the drugs are working you wouldn't be able to tell, but if I'm on a bad one you'd just think I was weird and arrogant.
It has it's benefits though as most autistics have special skills such as maths etc. Mines drawing/copying, and as well as teaching I earn a fortune designing individual tattoo's for people (tattoojedi if you wanna google me ;-))
I've a very understanding wife which helps. I left home about 13 years ago after the birth of my second child. I thought I hated the kids but the actual problem was the tone of the crying baby that set me off. After getting a test and being diagnosed my life changed and I'm on top of it now. Having autism at my level isn't an obstacle in having a fulfilling life at all. Thousands of people have it without knowing it. I've had problems but doesn't everyone? I've played professional football as a youngster briefly, played professional cricket and have 2 great jobs now as well. I think the autism helps with seeing perspective so I'm good at ball games. So more swings than roundabouts.
IT CAN'T BE CURED AND IT CAN'T BE CAUGHT. Anyone who says otherwise is talking utter uneducated tripe.
Hope you enjoyed my life story lol zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Appreciate the insight bud.
Autism is fascinating. I've lived with someone with Aspergers and watched absolute horrendous things and some weirdly wonderful things. We are all indeed on the spectrum for sure. Be it stuttering, facinstion with order, personally I get fairly uncomfortable in busy public spaces like shopping centres. There's dartitis and the golfing version. On the other side of the rainbow is savantism some of which can't be explained and unroll we can explain it we will NEVER know what the human brain is capable of. Like Steven Wiltshire. Just amazing!

I've heard people claim their autistic because they're socially awkward...... I don't think that's autistic at all, it's like when people say they have OCD because they don't like mess.... that's not OCD it's just called not being a tramp.

Seems we live in strange times where people want to have some sort of disposition.

As for the cause, I don't think we'll ever know the true cause, but someone will pin it on something, like smoking being the main cause of cancer, then they found out that the old beef and tomato pot noodles also caused cancer so changed the ingredients and made them shit.....bastards!

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