what film freaked you out ?

Yeah , i'd go with the Exorcist too ..... i was only a kid when I first saw it , back in in the early-mid seventies ... and it had quite an impression on me.


These days , one or two of those 'Paranormal activities' on telly freak me out a bit ...... such as the one of the ghost of the woman who prowls near the Hollywood sign.
mackenzie said:
Thenumber1blue said:
mackenzie said:
Absolutely. Although I was about 20 when I watched it on a video the first time. I was sat halfway up the stairs saying 'please turn it off.'
About 30 years on and still not forgotten.

I'm not exaggerating here when I say that film had a definite evil feel to it :-(
These days the Paranormal Activity one with the girl and her boyfriend has been the only other that has come close IMHO.

You lot must be a bit sensitive. This film was utter toss! It was just weird, nothing scary in it.
Thenumber1blue said:
Just the sounds from The Exorcist when I was a kid,I was hiding behind the sofa as it was the only room with a Tv.

My old man was telling me when he first saw this in the cinema people were walking out and and afterwards some wouldn't get in their cars.

He has never watched it since the original cinema release.
The Descent<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:54 pm --<br /><br />I haven't actually seen the Exorcist since i was about 11, probably didn't appreciate it or understand a lot of it, might have to revisit it.
black mamba said:
Yeah , i'd go with the Exorcist too ..... i was only a kid when I first saw it , back in in the early-mid seventies ... and it had quite an impression on me.

These days , one or two of those 'Paranormal activities' on telly freak me out a bit ...... such as the one of the ghost of the woman who prowls near the Hollywood sign.

think im right on this but thats meant to be the actress who played Glenda the good witch from the wizard of oz, the last person to kill themselves by jumping off the Hollywood sign

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