What is the daftest thing you've seen at a City match?


Well-Known Member
21 Oct 2007
Seeing as everyone is a little tense as there hasnt been any transfers yet and its january which is a notoriously crappy month for everyone lets bring a little levity to the situation as above what is the daftest thing you have seen at a match on or off the pitch.

For me im going with the alan kernaghan and jamie pollock own goals which were both ridiculous on every level.
The balloon incident at Brammall Lane was the worse for me. Absolute party with what must have been a good 6,000 blues there for the FA Cup. Balloon's all over the place and was it Thatcher who kicked one instead of the ball and we concede? Horrific.

Edit - think it was Michael Ball which makes it even fucking worse that he missed the thing he was named after!

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