What is the daftest thing you've seen at a City match?

Eddie Large sat on the bench
Eddie is my Dad. He absolutely loved that he got to sit on the bench. In fact strictly speaking up until the day he passed away he was banned from Stamford Bridge as Ken Bates gave him a lifelong ban for sitting on the bench at a game there. He used to tell me that he would have loved to have written a book about all the stories from that time, said he would have titled it "6 years on the bench but never got on". Glauber Berti was close to being able to write a similar book.
Eddie is my Dad. He absolutely loved that he got to sit on the bench. In fact strictly speaking up until the day he passed away he was banned from Stamford Bridge as Ken Bates gave him a lifelong ban for sitting on the bench at a game there. He used to tell me that he would have loved to have written a book about all the stories from that time, said he would have titled it "6 years on the bench but never got on". Glauber Berti was close to being able to write a similar book.
Just had a little tear in my eye over the news of Tony Book's passing and then read this which made me laugh out loud. That's City for you.
Eddie is my Dad. He absolutely loved that he got to sit on the bench. In fact strictly speaking up until the day he passed away he was banned from Stamford Bridge as Ken Bates gave him a lifelong ban for sitting on the bench at a game there. He used to tell me that he would have loved to have written a book about all the stories from that time, said he would have titled it "6 years on the bench but never got on". Glauber Berti was close to being able to write a similar book.
Brilliant! Would’ve loved to have read that. Bet he’d have some tales to tell.

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