Dalian Blue
Well-Known Member
Don't remember exactly, was on t'internet around 1996. Before that I remember buying a modem for my BBC B around 1985, used that on Prestel but it was also possible to take the lid off the modem, remove a metal limiter on the front panel switch to get the Bell standards working. That allowed me to access things like Fidonet. Around the same time I bought an AX25 TNC in kit form from the States, built that and was on packet radio around 1200baud I think. The next step was to replace the ROMs in the TNC with some new fangled 'TCP/IP' ROMS my mate had got hold of and was away on IPv4 but on t'wireless, eeh, those were t'days, if you told the kids today, etc.... So, I was on 'WiFi access' long before the old dial up interweb access.