
ran round a pub in leeds like a demented whippet on acid , workmates got me a shirt with Aguero on the back and whilst i wished i could have been at the game a lot of goodwill over here emerged that day!
Chris in London said:
Will we ever experience anything like that as City fans again?

At wembley the first trophy for 35 years was just unbelievable, but once we had scored I never ever thought Stoke could beat us.

But the big one was the league. That golden sleeve badge that says 'over 38 games, we were the best team'. It was so tantalisingly close, and we thought it had gone. All that confidence and joy at half time, slowly ebbing away as the minutes and the QPR goals clocked up.

Before Dzeko scored, we all thought it had gone, even those who didn't give up hope. And then, right at the death, that goal.

Reading these memories, it is hard to see how we top this, unless we wait another 40 years for a title. But even if we never top that, that precious moment is one I will always cherish.

Thanks, blues, for recording your memories, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them.
will we ever top that? No.

It was the perfect storm. We hadn't won it for 44 years. We'd been a comedy club for most of those. Our rivals had swept all before them. We'd lived in their shadow for so long. We thought we'd come out of it after the 6-1, and boy did we let them know, but then we blew it as usual. Then we looked to have saved ourselves in the last six games of the season.

And then Typical City returned, when it really really mattered we blew the biggest game of the season. Every single one of us sat there at 2-1 down and thought of man united. How they'd fucking done us again, but this time it really hurt. City had done it again, built us up and then kicked us in the bollocks harder than ever before.

And then, in the blink of an eye, a miracle. The sun came out, choirs sang in the clouds, We snatched the ultimate glory from our gloating rivals in the most dramatic, heart stopping way.

Not only will it never get any better for us, but I'm not sure it will get any better for any team anywhere.

We are blessed. We have touched football heaven.
....and this is what I did when the final whistle went. It's known among my friends and family as my 'blue primal scream'.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKMqDl09iDI&feature=youtube_gdata_player" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKMqDl09 ... ata_player</a>
Oh no Dzeko scores,,, I turn to my lad who is jumping for joy but me, no the life has been sucked away from me again, too little too I say to him...dad you always told me to BELIEVE his words echo into me!!
Me, I can't believe City are doing this awful thing to me and us again, the pain. The seconds count down to humiliation once again but on a far grander scale oh the pain of the laughter from those rags. My eyes, hurting with pain refocus on a De Jong pass to Sergio, me, come on pleeeeaaassseee I watch in hope and vain from our seats in block 239, me, my lad nephew and sister all fists clenched, I glance the time, 1 min left or less all hope gone, I start to sit down to see Aguero in the box surrounded by defenders then, oh then, oh then it's like one of those moments in films where everything goes still and silent, the world is sucked into a vortex of silence ...................scissshhh..........that net, oh the sound of that net the ball hitting the back of the net totally drowned out the silence, this couldn't be surely........the roar the deafening roar of that winners goal I turned to my lad to take in what my eyes had seen but brain had not quite registered......to celebrate only to see his feet beside my face, he had jumped that high he surely must have snow on his head or at least hit the roof of the ground. The pain, the hurt, the wasted emotion of years of tears gone......I wondered where the rain was coming from on my face....I was crying and hadn't noticed. Best day of my 47 years supporting my team. So, where was I. North stand level 2 block 239. Still got it saved on the sky box and still watch it with a tear of joy. If you ever feel down just you tube it on "man city wins title and everyone goes nuts" watch with volume turned right up. It just takes you right back.
City always score when I go for a piss so I had to "take one for the boys", I left my seat and went to the 317 bog (no I didn't have a smoke), when he scored I ran out and some guy I've never met was in the concourse doing a incredible hulk style celebration, I ran towards him, dived on him and we danced together for a couple of minutes before I went back to my seat and celebrated with my mates. Prob too many characters but who gives a fuck!<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:24 pm --<br /><br />
Emms said:
....and this is what I did when the final whistle went. It's known among my friends and family as my 'blue primal scream'.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKMqDl09iDI&feature=youtube_gdata_player" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKMqDl09 ... ata_player</a>

still sends shivers up my spine seeing other blues celebrate and knowing how we all felt at that moment
Sky Blue said:
Fell on the floor and had some sort of breakdown whilst shrieking like a girl going " Oh my god oh my fucking god!....then the tears came.......

Me too ;-)

When we were seemingly running out of time though I just thought 'the fookin twats.'
And when Aguero scored I just saw the net billowing and then thought 'you absolute beautiful bastards.'

Then it all went dead serious for me because at first I couldn't believe it. Thought it was going to be disallowed. Couldn't even begin to imagine we had won the prem and couldnt relax until I heard the final whistle; was still expecting a 'typical City' moment.

Only then did I fall to the floor crying.

Even now, 6 months on, I watch those last few minutes at least 3 times a week. And I still don't believe it.
Emms said:
....and this is what I did when the final whistle went. It's known among my friends and family as my 'blue primal scream'.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKMqDl09iDI&feature=youtube_gdata_player" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKMqDl09 ... ata_player</a>
Was in a mates house, but I did exactly like in the video, shouting 'Yes!' over and over, but jumping up and down for 30-40 seconds.
i remember just sitting there feeling shit and sorry for myself and then a moment of anger when Dzeko scored "too fukkin late City, as usual". Then thought oh fuck it i will watch and cheer the lads then go get pissed. Then watched that goal with disbelief, then a near heart attack then tears then just sat down again. Felt like someone had kicked me in the head and was in a daze. Dont think i will ever relive that in football again and dont care i was there!
I taped the whole show on sky plus and am looking for someone to tell me how i can get in on to a disc. I scared of deleting it on purpose.
The same as a few on here, sat in North Stand 136, with my 9 year old son , thought it was all over and did not celebrate Edin's goal. Dont remember anything about the next 90 seconds until it broke to Sergio, I tell you I can almost pinpoint the point of the net it hit. Fell to my knees crying like a baby, wailing uncontrollably, so much that the people round me thought I had collapsed. Eventually got my composure and stood up hugged my son and all the people around me.

this thread has me in tears again..lol

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