When did exam results become news ?

Back in 1976 I don't remember exam results being news. I think they came through the post, I didn't go back to school to get them.
I think the day they came out there was a news story, but probably nothing like today with the news to fill 24/7 news channels and post snippets online.

At Ashton Grammar, IIRC, they were posted behind the glass on the entry doors (up the steps on the sides of the building).

They were there for everyone to see…for good and bad!
Back in 1976 I don't remember exam results being news. I think they came through the post, I didn't go back to school to get them.
My eldest is 40.
He went in to school to get his back in the early 2000s.
The MEN used to publish the bloody things for every pupil in every school.
I collected mine from school in the early 80s.

Suppose these days all the data is probably instantly available to the media. What % passed what subjects etc.

Which makes it more of an interesting story than just announcing the results are out and interviewing a couple of random smart arses outside some grammar school.
It is news though youngster’s getting their exam results is news and parents/educators comparing how well various areas of the country did.
It’s important to show England GCSE marks were down on last year all four countries were down I’d rather see the children opening their envelopes than repeated reruns of mindless gossip.

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