Where do you rank Hughes amongst City's past coaches?

Soulboy said:
BobKowalski said:
An interesting distinction between the coach and managers role. I don't see Hughes as a coach if only because he employs people to do that role and never seems to be hands on himself (I could be wrong here so correct away if I am). Maybe Hughes sets out the coaching parameters for the other coaches to follow but again I wouldn't know.

My biggest criticism* of Hughes though is as a manager or to be exact as a leader. He just ain't leadership material for me. He's more of a mid level civil service manager who will obsess over the little things and preparation and things being just right (important stuff yes) but inspire us to dominate domestic and European football? No chance. Well okay some chance if you spend 100's of millions and buy all the best players but otherwise not a hope in hell.

Its funny how we see people differently. I don't even see Hughes as a winner which all the media insist he is even if he hasn't actually er won anything :) I guess he reminds me too much of Souness who was another god awful manager with a reputation for toughness which usually just ended up with him f**king up the football club. Always amazed me how many people bought into that macho bollocks and seemed to overlook the fact that the guy was a total cock. Funny old world.

* Oh and that he is dull. D-U double L dull as Craig Revel H would say. If this was 'Strictly Football Manager' Hughes would be Craig Kelly but way duller

While I largely concur with your perceptions of Hughes the "Winner"... I must take issue with your slaughtering of Souness as managerial talent.

Never particlaulrly liked the bloke as a manager, but his track record is not THAT bad... certainly in comparison to various other "best young British managers".

Won loads at Rangers... got them to a European semi-final... won an FA Cup with Liverpool... got Southampton to an FA Cup Final... won stuff in Turkey... even did what Hughes failed to achieve in his magnificent management at Blackburn, by actually winning a trophy there as well.

I just thought you were a tad harsh seeing as the measure of a manager is usually trophies. And he leaves Hughes, Moyes, Redknapp et al in his wake.

What can I say. I just can't stand Souness :)

I take your point on the trophy front but seriously he looks like a poor mans Ron Jeremy and for that alone he should be condemned by all right thinking men. Plus in my opinion he tore the heart out of Liverpool and totally ballsed up Newcastle. And even with these two mitigating factors I still can't stand the guy.

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