Where do you rank Hughes amongst City's past coaches?

Ignoring Pearce here are the league stats for the last three managers, KK, SGE & MH. For KK, they only include the Premiership. Taken from mcfcstats.co.uk

KK P105 W33 D29 L43 F136 A140 Win% 31.43 Pts per game 1.22 Goals per game 1.30
SGE P38 W15 D10 L13 F45 A53 Win% 39.47 Pts per game 1.45 Goals per game 1.18
MH P53 W21 D13 L19 F87 A71 Win% 42.86 Pts per game 1.43 Goals per game 1.64

So on two out of three measures Hughes is the best of the recent era and on points per game not far behind Sven (and will presumably overtake him soon).
moomba said:
I think Sven spent around £50-60m, still pretty good value for money taking us from 16th to 9th, 42 points to 55.
I agree with that. We went from a team who couldn't score for half a year and did nothing but defend to a decent side. I'd have been happy to stick with Sven to be honest. But we didn't. If Hughes get sacked then fair enough. I'll be behind the next manager.
Joycee Banercheck said:
skybluekings said:
But Joycee, Sven got most of those players very cheap.
Did he? Elano 8.5m and Caicedo at £5m. That's £13.5m on two players. Boj was supsed to £4m so that's £17m. Like I sdaid, bit more than £20m. It's irrelevant anyway.

I think my mind has been skewed by the prices we are now paying for players :)
Prestwich_Blue said:
Ignoring Pearce here are the league stats for the last three managers, KK, SGE & MH. For KK, they only include the Premiership. Taken from mcfcstats.co.uk

KK P105 W33 D29 L43 F136 A140 Win% 31.43 Pts per game 1.22 Goals per game 1.30
SGE P38 W15 D10 L13 F45 A53 Win% 39.47 Pts per game 1.45 Goals per game 1.18
MH P49 W21 D13 L19 F87 A71 Win% 42.86 Pts per game 1.55 Goals per game 1.78

So on all three measures Hughes is the best of the recent era.
did you really just say that it took 250m to get that extra 0.1 pt per game over sven?

no, omg, now you say he's got LESS points per game than sven. hells bells, I thought you were on his side!
Pigeonho said:
It isn't about Hughes' first season, as in last season, as he didn't have the money to do what HE wanted until winter

He spent £40m odd before the takeover, and then got the prize in Robinho on the last day. Another £40-50m in January, I just don't think you can just forget that last season happened.
skybluekings said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Did he? Elano 8.5m and Caicedo at £5m. That's £13.5m on two players. Boj was supsed to £4m so that's £17m. Like I sdaid, bit more than £20m. It's irrelevant anyway.

I think my mind has been skewed by the prices we are now paying for players :)
Who's wouldn't?! :)
skybluekings said:
Pigeonho said:
It isn't about Hughes' first season, as in last season, as he didn't have the money to do what HE wanted until winter, then it was getting players in, in readiness for his spree in the summer. This is Hughes' first real season in my eyes, and half way through we are where we are, and we should be happy with this position. What if we finish where we are and win the C/C? What that then means is that Hughes will hgave achieved something god knows how many other managers failed to do, but I will put my mortgage on the fact even that will not be enough to convince some people. It is too early to be able to judge him though, as his first season with his players is only half way through.

Well then, based on what he has achieved thus far, where does that achievement rank him amongst City's past coaches.

Better than any of the amount of time I have been going, and that is since 88'. In my time of going to watch Man City I have never seen us in a semi final of a major comp, so that immediately puts him right up there. If he goes onto win that cup, he has achieved something we haven't done for what, 36 years is it now? That puts him as the best manager we have had in 36 years then, statistically. If he finishes top 4 and with that cup, there literally should never be a bad word spoken about him again, fact.
moomba said:
Pigeonho said:
It isn't about Hughes' first season, as in last season, as he didn't have the money to do what HE wanted until winter

He spent £40m odd before the takeover, and then got the prize in Robinho on the last day. Another £40-50m in January, I just don't think you can just forget that last season happened.

No course you can't ignore it, but I think its fair to say that on the last day of a transfer window whrn you all of a sudden have a player you probably never thought of buying, and billions to spend, its fair to say that you then start planning for the next 2 windows, mainly the next main summer window, which is what he has done. He bought players used to this league and currently that set of players have us in a position no other manager has been able to do. That alone puts Hughes amongst one of the best managers we have had in a generation, a fact which is cemented with his achievement of putting us into a semi final.
Pigeonho said:
skybluekings said:
Well then, based on what he has achieved thus far, where does that achievement rank him amongst City's past coaches.

Better than any of the amount of time I have been going, and that is since 88'. In my time of going to watch Man City I have never seen us in a semi final of a major comp, so that immediately puts him right up there. If he goes onto win that cup, he has achieved something we haven't done for what, 36 years is it now? That puts him as the best manager we have had in 36 years then, statistically. If he finishes top 4 and with that cup, there literally should never be a bad word spoken about him again, fact.

I think even the Hughes Outers will agree with your last sentence.

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