Why has Shearer taken the Newcastle job?


Well-Known Member
19 Aug 2004
Even if it'd only for eight games. The timing is off, shirley.
Because he has got nothing to lose.

(i) If he succeeds he is an hero and the legend he always was.
(ii) If they still get relegated then it's because they were already doomed and had a bad run in.
(iii) If he succeeds he will be paid £1.8 million - not to be sniffed at for 720 minutes of football.
(iiii) To start of his management career basically.
How will he Pam? They've had three managers prior to him this season alone thus creating a lack of stability, makes a change for Newcastle then doesn't it eh? But the fact is he is stuck with what he has been given in terms of playing staff then the cold hard fact is you can't polish turds. However much you want to jazz it up as a failure and however much you dislike Alan Shearer, this is not his mess, this is the mess he inherited.

Now you could also add onto that he is inexperienced in management at any level, nevermind at premiership level and he is in a similar situation to Gareth Southgate in terms of badges when he first started but everyone has to start somewhere and IF, and it's a big word, IF he is successfull then that's the perfect way to pave the way for bigger and better things than the Newcastle United job which is seemingly a bigger poisoned chalice than the one right here!!
i think ashley has made a shrood move in the appointment , and the timing of it .
still think they'll finish 18th . i can only see them winning two and drawing one of their remaining eight games at best .
no doubt they'll be first on MOTD from now on ?
in all fairness , i hope they do stay up . would much rather see stoke join boro and west brom in the championship .
2 million. And there will be no glory in taking Newcastle down and forever being associated with relegation 2009 style.
Pam said:
2 million. And there will be no glory in taking Newcastle down and forever being associated with relegation 2009 style.

He's very clever, Shearer. He really cannot lost here. If he keeps them up, then he's a hero. If they go down, he's still a hero for stepping into the breach for attempting to stave off the inevitable.
Table shows them going down TODAY. Add to that, they have the hardest run in of any of the relegation worriers, and he ONLY has UPSIDE. HE has said he is only there for 8 games to TRY and keep them in the Prem. Do it and he can write his own ticket in Newcastle (as if he can't already!?!), if not, it was a fait accompli when he took the job and NO-ONE could have saved them!

When all is said and done, he is there to lift the place for the run in. He is not going to be "coaching" them any more than Twitchy does at Spurs. Rather, he is there to MAN MANAGE a group of underachievers who need a kick in the pants and a word in their ear regarding wearing the Black and White. THAT is about the ONLY thing he can do, and it is already happening before he says a word to the players. Might not happen at the Chelski game, but 9 or 10 points should see them clear, and I think he might be able to get that out of them.

JMHO, of course.
Perhaps he sees that they are doomed to relegation. Shearer's so in love with the club he feels that he really needs to be involved to try and save them himself, as no one else is capable or prepared to try.
By all accounts the barcodes have approached numerous people but they all turned it down.
IMO they've left it too late. If they'd tried a new man six weeks ago they more than likely would have been out of it. I just can't see (even with the buzz of the new manager) Newcastle getting anything from Chelsea or Stoke and their three really winnable matches at home (Portsmouth, Boro and Fulham) I only see them picking up five points.
At the end of the day, you can't polish a turd

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