Yesterday’s game against Barcelona was the best from our team over the past 4 years or so. Not only that we defeated them, but how we defeated them, with authority and determination, was so satisfying. An unusual game from us in which every player was “at the least” very good or better than that. My POM was Hasegawa. It is always a joy to watch her relentless efforts connecting our defense with the attack, and yesterday was an excellent example of that. I am not exaggerating: Hasegawa does this better than several men who play the same role in top teams and leagues. Also, I must give credit to Casparij. She is an excellent player who frequently gets overlooked and unnoticed despite consistently playing with passion and intensity. Fowler also was outstanding despite playing out of her favorite position. Clearly she has a great potential, considering she is only 21. I hope we give her plenty of playing time this season in order to keep her. Finally, the Club should do every effort to keep Aleixaderi - what a player.