Young Posters, Why Bother?


Well-Known Member
26 Apr 2009
I suppose this is more aimed at people over the age of 21, but please feel free to answer whatever age you happen to be.

I was wondering if there was any point in allowing younger people on Bluemoon as they are typically narrow minded and reactionary to the Nth degree.

Younger posters hold no interest for as they simply regurgitate the opinions of others (normally their parents) and cannot think for themselves.

Am I alone in thinking there should be a new, age verification system put in place to stop threads being swamped with the usual 'copy and paste' bollocks we older and wiser posters have to put up with?

Would it be wrong for the more intelligent, older posters who find the use of text-speak abhorrent the right of veto over any new member joining if they are unable to post anything of value?

I do fear for the younger generation as they seemingly don't want to learn from their betters. People like me, Damocles, Ric, Didsbury Dave, Tolmie's (of course) and Pigeonho for example.

So come on folks isn't it about time to stop these young-uns form posting?

I think it's something worth looking at. A lot depends on the individual but at what age do people agree that any one person is mature enough to post on here.
fbloke, as good as some of your posts are and as interesting as you can be, you are certainly not a "better" of anyone. You've actually gone way down in my estimations that you even consider yourself to be. No man (or woman) is better than me - in my head of course - and for someone to be so big headed to suggest so makes you look like a fuckin prick, son!

Plus how do you know how old posters are? There are some posters on here of my generation (I'm 28) who contribute as interestingly as anyone on here. There are plenty of older posters who talk bollocks and who are complete tossers! And I know planty of older blues and have heard many MANY at games who know absolutely fuck all about football or even City! So your argument is about as solid as my shit the morning after a vindaloo!

If a young lad had posted a thread like this moaning about you old codgers I'm sure you'd all be crying to the mod's trying to get them banned. So don't be such a twat yerself!

As I said I do enjoy many of your posts but you seem like a c'unt right now!

[I do agree with your txt spk bt tho - I also HATE abbreviations lol pmsl, they're fuckin well annoying!]
Exactly as expected, the usual holier than thou posts from the young uns.

It seems they cannot even see what is in front of them most of the time.

Amygdala Ambush I call it
Age restrictions on Opinions
Hitler should of tried that
My lad who is 13 posts on here and we talk football 24/7
and my opinion isnt pushed or forced onto him
Lil shit is a statto so proves me wrong sometimes
Sometimes a young perspective is whats required and to alienate them doesn't seem like a sensible thing to do!

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