Have you ever cried at a film?

Big Swifty

Well-Known Member
8 Nov 2011
Obviously,this does not apply to Blue Moonesses, as ladies are more lachrymose by nature. My elder brother has seen Casablanca 14 times and cries every time, but he's a wuss.
I have only ever shed tears at one film, possibly two.
The first was the original version of "The Incredible Journey" (1963) when, after all kinds of hardships, the three animals come into view having found their way home.
The other was "Harry & Tonto". So sad at the end.
Am I just a big softie? Surely I can't be the only one. (I also admit to a tear or two when Colin Bell made his reappearance v Newcastle in 1977)
I must confess to the tear ducts twitching watching 'the champ' as a youngster. Havnt seen it since but may be worth another try to see if it has the same effect now I'm knocking on abit. (and obviously the aguero goal title win, I was blubbering for a good hour after :)
Shed a tear or two many a time.

Dogs and Children what more can you say.

As you get older you appreciate beauty and sadness for what it actually is.

You feel sorry for people that don't know how to cry because they have no love in their heart and in life.
Hate to admit it but I damn near blubbered watching One Flew Over The Cuckoos Next.
Un Chien Andalou! I'll keep an eye out for it! (Razor-sharp wit, eh???)

I'll explain later if necessary.....

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