Media Thread 2017/18

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But i also understand many of you probably use this media thread to just vent - I can understand that. I dont really care any more. I have to expect that if a player out grows palace we have to sell and i wish the player well. But rumours that turn heads at specific times is pretty fcked. IT does the fans or clubs involved no favours just to make some money.

The problem is that there is a definite bias from a lot of the media but now, regrettably, a lot of City fans on Bluemoon use this thread to look for the slightest thing they can twist into an agenda. And I believe there is an agenda but we really should stick to the obvious stuff instead of looking at things that are not really there.
Honest question ; can someone please direct me to any honest and straightforward observation on our play that I might be able to read online here in the states? Thanks in advance.
Honest question ; can someone please direct me to any honest and straightforward observation on our play that I might be able to read online here in the states? Thanks in advance.
I read The Guardian as I'm a bit of leftie and won't read the right-wing press. It's not the best read for City fans but does have some interesting articles every now and again. Football 365 is something else I read. Mainly for the mediawatch section that takes great delight in pointing out stupid journalism.

Hopefully others will help more.
You are Simon Jordan and I claim my £10

Good call .......seriously !!
Chuck in.......
1. UEFA then divvying up our ‘fine’ between our immediate rivals.
2. UEFA then changing the rules back again after it became clear that compliance was no longer a problem for us, to enable old guard teams like AC Milan to effectively spend with complete impunity
3. UEFA fining us more for being 30 seconds late back on the pitch at half time than they did our opponents for racially abusing our players.
4. UEFA banning fans from the CSKA vs City fixture after we’d all booked flights and hotels, and then letting a thousand CSKA ultras in as sponsor’s “guests” anyway

......and maybe you’ll understand why we boo their fucking anthem
post of the thread.
The problem is that there is a definite bias from a lot of the media but now, regrettably, a lot of City fans on Bluemoon use this thread to look for the slightest thing they can twist into an agenda. And I believe there is an agenda but we really should stick to the obvious stuff instead of looking at things that are not really there.
Totally agree, mate.
The problem is that there is a definite bias from a lot of the media but now, regrettably, a lot of City fans on Bluemoon use this thread to look for the slightest thing they can twist into an agenda. And I believe there is an agenda but we really should stick to the obvious stuff instead of looking at things that are not really there.

Yep, I largely agree with this. When, as a fanbase, we start complaining about any perceived slight then the legitimate concerns get lost in a sea of self-pity.
So we are all now agreed there is a media bias?
We just need to stop highlighting the trivial stuff, which only serves to aid Frank and his mate.
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