Guardiola fined £20,000 for wearing yellow ribbon (p140)

Just to say that there will be six of us (more if Mrs Mist can be persuaded to sow a bit quicker - white wine and all that) wearing yellow ribbons.

Fuck th FA .
catalunya de llarga vida.
Just to say that there will be six of us (more if Mrs Mist can be persuaded to sow a bit quicker - white wine and all that) wearing yellow ribbons.

Fuck th FA .
catalunya de llarga vida.
Tell her missus to put the fucking wine down and get fucking sewing........thousands of us are relying on her.
It's not trivialising and/or hijacking anything.

On the contrary, it's quite patronising to argue that line. It implies people are not capable of complex thought. Who exactly is the simpleton that instantly forgets the real cause and suddenly comes to believe the yellow ribbon is exclusively to do with Pep and FA?
This... to begin with it's not even as complicated as some are making out. Also Pep has already laid out his reasons and how he feels about it in very easy to understand terms several times in his press conferences. I get the feeling some are picturing beer guzzling hooligans wearing the ribbon who know exactly squat about any of the reasons for the yellow ribbon... when that's not likely who will be wearing them at all.
To be fair, he was right to be charged as no player, nobody in any coaching staff and no fans are allowed to display anything political.

But fair play to Pep for displaying it as if he wants independence for his region, then let him display it and take the charge
For me Its actually a trivialising and hijacking of a serious cause to stick two fingers up at the Fa. Pep is not stupid he knew eventually he would receive some sort of punishment, he may even enjoy the extra publicity it provokes. Each to their own though.
It might be that he’s tried to spread the knowledge of the situation to a wider audience than may have been paying attention to it. Now football fans everywhere will be researching Catalonia’s cause
To be fair, he was right to be charged as no player, nobody in any coaching staff and no fans are allowed to display anything political.

But fair play to Pep for displaying it as if he wants independence for his region, then let him display it and take the charge
It's not about indepenence as such but support for the 2 leaders who are in prision,the fa pick the days before a cup final to charge him and he has been wearing it months,they can expect a blowback from the club and fans as it's yet another attack on our club,they had better get used to it,the fa and pigmol are corrupt to the core and we are in their sights,fuck em
Personally I'd rather we all just gave a large two fingered salute to the FA...Pep clearly has strong views on the Catalan cause but what if there was an anti -Brexit emblem and a bunch of players wanted to wear that-would that be OK .? No it wouldn't so wear it under your shirt Pep.

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