Serial Killer at large in Manchester?

how many more people have to sadly die before somebody does something about the canals footpaths in town and around manchester its getting daft now. if this was a road crossing with people getting knocked down and getting killed they would up roar and something would be done to stop them

city life and living in manchester is now so over populated now around both canals ashton/rochdale that people just take it for granted that the footpaths are now a way of getting to and from AtoZ even the council have signed post the canal routs making easy to fined. british water ways must take some blame for this and you walk the routes and no lifebuoys ring are nowhere to be seen and the most of the locks now have a walk rail to help to walk on them ??? that is asking for trouble

lots of drink and drunk people = superman and the fear factor goes out the window and you just think its my normally walk home or shortcut what is the problem well just think about walking in a straight line when drunk. a public inquiry needs to be setup the police/council and british water ways need to sort this out right now something needs to be done and get some money from the government and private money from the investers in city living to put up a fencing around the edge of the canals a 4ft rail to stop people from walk up to the edge of the canal and take down the walk rail on the locks

Is this a parody post? You want everybody else to take responsibility for people drinking so much that they are unable to walk straight?
Yeah of course I feel bad for the family.... But responsible drinking is something we need to start enforcing in this country... it's no good having them stupid adverts on TV, they need to make it more harder for people to get ridiculously drunk in this country. You only need to go through town on a Friday/Saturday night and see some of the state people get themselves into, when there's a canal going directly through the town it only spells trouble. But it's not just about the canal it's about everything that becomes a danger when highly intoxicated.

We have a strangely high number of canal deaths, (61 in 7 years)
Yeah of course I feel bad for the family.... But responsible drinking is something we need to start enforcing in this country... it's no good having them stupid adverts on TV, they need to make it more harder for people to get ridiculously drunk in this country. You only need to go through town on a Friday/Saturday night and see some of the state people get themselves into, when there's a canal going directly through the town it only spells trouble. But it's not just about the canal it's about everything that becomes a danger when highly intoxicated.
It’s too big an earner for the government to consider it. They get about 50p for every pint sold, the same for every shot sold and about £2 for every bottle of wine which totals about £11B a year in income. A few people falling into canals, throwing up on the streets and careering around A&E on a Friday is probably deemed a price worth paying.
It’s too big an earner for the government to consider it. They get about 50p for every pint sold, the same for every shot sold and about £2 for every bottle of wine which totals about £11B a year in income. A few people falling into canals, throwing up on the streets and careering around A&E on a Friday is probably deemed a price worth paying.
Funny though that 1 crash on a road they think is a money spinner, is deemed an accident hot spot and speed cameras are fitted immediately, they only do safety measures when there is money to be made
how many more people have to sadly die before somebody does something about the canals footpaths in town and around manchester its getting daft now. if this was a road crossing with people getting knocked down and getting killed they would up roar and something would be done to stop them

city life and living in manchester is now so over populated now around both canals ashton/rochdale that people just take it for granted that the footpaths are now a way of getting to and from AtoZ even the council have signed post the canal routs making easy to fined. british water ways must take some blame for this and you walk the routes and no lifebuoys ring are nowhere to be seen and the most of the locks now have a walk rail to help to walk on them ??? that is asking for trouble

lots of drink and drunk people = superman and the fear factor goes out the window and you just think its my normally walk home or shortcut what is the problem well just think about walking in a straight line when drunk. a public inquiry needs to be setup the police/council and british water ways need to sort this out right now something needs to be done and get some money from the government and private money from the investers in city living to put up a fencing around the edge of the canals a 4ft rail to stop people from walk up to the edge of the canal and take down the walk rail on the locks
Gret post and that hits the nail on the head. The only authority that can have any say over this with the clowt to get anything done is the Coroners Office. They need to hold the local govt to account for this, railings are needed
Serious question, just to help me understand. I moved away a long time ago, but remember throughout the 80s when I was a regular drinking in town, that people falling in the canals drunk and drowning was a petty common occurrence. Has it statistically grown and is that growth disproportionate to the number of people actually living in town and by the canals nowadays?
There was a chap skiing in France somewhere last week, went off piste and over the edge of a cliff, 600ft fall. He was probably thinking as it happened "what a lovely day, i'll have beef for my tea and that red wine i saw". I expect it is similar for many of these poor people. Your texting staggering home after a good night then BOOM ultra shock of cold water and a mouthful, disoriented, extremities shut down blood supply quick to maintain core temperature due to the rate of heat exchange.

I like to be very aware of my surroundings on a moment by moment basis because the penalty for lack of awareness is the ultimate price all to often.

It always seems to be young women never drink & walk?

Wonder why nobody can ever get out once they 'fall in'.
It always seems to be young women never drink & walk?

Wonder why nobody can ever get out once they 'fall in'.

I imagine it’s the shock of the cold that gets people panicking.

If the figure of 61 deaths in 7 years is correct then I am gobsmacked that nothing has been done.

Drain them, turn them into a walk way and/or cycle route and have it illuminted.
how many more people have to sadly die before somebody does something about the canals footpaths in town and around manchester its getting daft now. if this was a road crossing with people getting knocked down and getting killed they would up roar and something would be done to stop them

city life and living in manchester is now so over populated now around both canals ashton/rochdale that people just take it for granted that the footpaths are now a way of getting to and from AtoZ even the council have signed post the canal routs making easy to fined. british water ways must take some blame for this and you walk the routes and no lifebuoys ring are nowhere to be seen and the most of the locks now have a walk rail to help to walk on them ??? that is asking for trouble

lots of drink and drunk people = superman and the fear factor goes out the window and you just think its my normally walk home or shortcut what is the problem well just think about walking in a straight line when drunk. a public inquiry needs to be setup the police/council and british water ways need to sort this out right now something needs to be done and get some money from the government and private money from the investers in city living to put up a fencing around the edge of the canals a 4ft rail to stop people from walk up to the edge of the canal and take down the walk rail on the locks

That's why the glass fence went up on Canal Street after someone sat on the wall fell off and his stepfather jumped in the canal to rescue him. He died - but his stepson hadn't even gone in the canal but landed on the side of a lock.

You can't work the locks without a walkway across. Why would you want to mess with history and modern boating leisure because some people get too drunk to walk?

How about a fence between every road and pavement? On every station platform?

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