Arsenal 2017/18

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Given the relative irrelevance of Arsenal now, I do find it surprising anyone from City is motivated to post on this thread...Christ, I'm finding it difficult not to switch off and do other things, like reading Nietzsche if only to get even more depressed than I am now

To be honest mate, I think people just find it all rather fascinating, no matter who they support. And not always in a piss taking way either. It actually winds me up what’s going on at Arsenal as the fans are being rinsed - it’s one thing supporting a club that doesn’t have a pot to piss in but quite another to support one that has the ability to spend more money but chooses not to.
Given the relative irrelevance of Arsenal now, I do find it surprising anyone from City is motivated to post on this thread...Christ, I'm finding it difficult not to switch off and do other things, like reading Nietzsche if only to get even more depressed than I am now

We love to revel in your misery. Mine's an orange one.
Given the relative irrelevance of Arsenal now, I do find it surprising anyone from City is motivated to post on this thread...Christ, I'm finding it difficult not to switch off and do other things, like reading Nietzsche if only to get even more depressed than I am now

I never appreciated Wenger's vocal moaning about City's finances, nor especially his commentary on FFP, a subject about which he knew enough to wind up those already convinced of City's subterfuge but not enough to actually understand how it operated. But my view has always been that Arsene is an extraordinarily risk-averse as a person, which suited him fine for a long time (as it did ownership), but less so when he had to compete with two clubs who weren't in City and Chelsea and another manager who out-autocratic-ed him (plus was better and had more money) in Ferguson. Now, more recently, mistakes -- born out of that risk aversion -- in the transfer market have led to Spurs and Liverpool passing him too IMO.

Too many Arsenal fans were for too long too easily led by his claims that "spending within your means" made Arsenal's accomplishments on par with if not morally superior to those of other clubs. Arsenal has become just a like large, dominant corporation whose business has been disrupted by venture-capital back start-ups with better ideas and few financial shackles. Instead of combatting that somehow, Arsene as CEO complained and deflected and held on firmly as he steered his ship toward the rocks. It's hard to feel sorry for him.
There was a grown Arse fan on 606 after our game who was literally in tears explaining how he only wanted a shift off the players and no more, but they didn't seem to be putting in half a shift! He needs a season in the old Div 3 and a few trips to York, Macclesfield and Crewe to give him some perspective!
I had just switched the radio on and heard the last minute or so of that call. It annoyed me really, not just because as you say he needs some perspective about what a poor season really is, but because i am now sick of hearing constantly arsenal fans moaning. Everytime i switch on radio its the same old tired subject of wenger out and arse fans ringing in moaning. And ian wright discussing arsenal again and again. City and pep are upsetting so many people and ruining football! Ha ha ha ha ha !
For what it's worth, City are just so good to watch now

Just saying...good luck to you pasty faced Mancs drinking improper beer emulsified by nitrogen pumped into it

Come to Kent for real beer delivered by gravity pumps...suck that up!
For what it's worth, City are just so good to watch now

Just saying...good luck to you pasty faced Mancs drinking improper beer emulsified by nitrogen pumped into it

Come to Kent for real beer delivered by gravity pumps...suck that up!
You don't put gravy on your chips so fuck off
; )
For what it's worth, City are just so good to watch now

Just saying...good luck to you pasty faced Mancs drinking improper beer emulsified by nitrogen pumped into it

Come to Kent for real beer delivered by gravity pumps...suck that up!
Don’t you serve it with lemonade though? ;)
For what it's worth, City are just so good to watch now

Just saying...good luck to you pasty faced Mancs drinking improper beer emulsified by nitrogen pumped into it

Come to Kent for real beer delivered by gravity pumps...suck that up!

well we'd go as far as the Emirates but your lot just didn't bother to turn up, wouldn't want to get stood up if we came all the way down to Kent.
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