Danny Baker

It seems a lot of folk arnt aware of Megan being mixed raced, are you certain Baker is?

You have no idea, you're making assumptions based on nothing. I have listened to him for 30 odd years, read his old NME stuff so at least my assumption he isn't in any way racist is based on that. He's made a silly mistake , it's a danger of twitter.
When I saw the headline my first thought was he's allowed to poke fun at the royal family only after did I think of the racial connotation because when I thing of Megan I don't think about her background it's of no interest to me. Luckily for me I don't twitter or facebook so I didn't put my first impression out to the world for judgement.

One thing Danny Baker isn't is stupid, he must have been aware of how that tweet could and would be interpreted.
You don't to shout about it if you want to keep a high profile job,whatever the intent it's done for his current job anyhow
He’s been around a long time Karen, he’s not a yes man and has been involved in controversy over the years but I guarantee if there were any racist skeletons in his cupboard you would have heard about them.
You thought of the racial connotation second, after already inferring humour from the photo?

Why did you think it was funny before that?
I never saw the photo,never inferred humour I saw the headline and saw the racial connotation after the royal connotation because when I think of Megan I think royal family , actress long before I think about her racial background. I think that's a good thing don't you ?
Doctor's most definitely did not link his melanoma to the football injury. The closest you can get to a correlation is that he might have not bothered going to a doctor about the cancerous lump because he assumed it was caused by football.

He got a form of skin cancer that's mostly predetermined by genetics. Smoking probably didn't help, but you don't see even 40/day smokers dying from lung cancer at 36.
My Uncle who was a heavy smoker died in September 1970 at the age of 40 after having one lung removed. Much better these days but lung cancer can come at an early age.
yeah like imagine if he stood behind a picture reminiscent of Nazi poster in the war proclaiming that if we didn't leave the EU lots of migrants would be coming to invade us. Just imagine that the BBC would just have to invite him on countless news programs to give him a free reign to preach his poison and hatred, oh and also make him a guest on Question Time tonight!!
Or imagine speaking at rallies with flags of mass murderers behind him. Imagine approving of anti-Semitic murals, imagine being part of a wreath laying ceremony for a terrorist. Imagine people supporting someone like that.

Don't you try and take the fucking moral high ground.
Both good points, and why I don't support anything to do with Farage and won't vote Labour while Corbyn is in charge. The difference is that both of them know exactly what they've done and have tried to justify their actions on numerous occasions.
Danny Baker made a mistake, owned up, apologised in a clumsy way and got sacked anyway.
Meanwhile Farage and Corbyn are still there with the same messages and neither are held to account.
Are you saying he's blind?
I wonder how many people realise Ross Barkley is mixed race, a Sun spokesman said they weren’t aware he was after Kelvin McKenzie was sacked for comparing him to a gorilla. That was a pure racist comment, you can’t level the same at Danny Baker.

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