CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Observing the media treatment of City in the last decade, and more so recently, it seems the writers/outlets can be put in different buckets (might sound like a city bingo but hey why not).

- writers who are fans of historically successful teams and are jealous of City's success.
- those that are on the payroll of historically successful teams, directly or via intermediaries.
- those who are clickbait merchants and write the bile knowing the lies they are writing.
- those that are racists and cannot stomach the success of foreigners in their own backyard.
- those that are attention seekers and want to be seen as relevant.

Whatever bucket they are put in, one thing is clear to see is the coordinated effort to stop City.

- whether it be to get in the head of players and manager (current or future)
- getting in the heads of prospective football fans to not let City Brand build on the on field success
- even getting in the subconcious minds of referees's that they should be favourable to city's opponents to even the playing field (whatever that means)

City fans have been great throughout the recent episodes of Uefa ban and CAS. I hope that the fans can actually organise a little more, with the club's blessing, and fight these coordinated efforts as it will be needed not just in the short term but in the long terms.

If 50,000 city fans organised and cancelled BT subscriptions in one day for negative coverage and lies, i am sure it'll be noticed. Other examples can be used too. I wonder if organisation is achievable at such level but here's hoping.

Sounds like the days of posters denying there is an agenda/conspiracy could be over.
What seems to have been overlooked in all the anti City oil money coverage is that Khaldoon Al Mubaraks a billionaire in his own right,Harvard educated businessman hand picked to run City by Sheikh Mansour and he has done a fantastic job of waking a sleeping giant by controlled sponsorships and being a statesman on a higher level than we are used to in this country has projected us onto a higher plane both commercially and financially by having good connections and networking to raise our profile and setting up a CFG within 10 years,the racist media in little England are too disgusted to acknowledge the job he has done, and It doesn’t suit their readership to praise him or Sheikh Mansour.Having unlimited money is largely irrelevant,what’s more important is spending it wisely and that is probably far harder to do than we all think.
What seems to have been overlooked in all the anti City oil money coverage is that Khaldoon Al Mubaraks a billionaire in his own right,Harvard educated businessman hand picked to run City by Sheikh Mansour and he has done a fantastic job of waking a sleeping giant by controlled sponsorships and being a statesman on a higher level than we are used to in this country has projected us onto a higher plane both commercially and financially by having good connections and networking to raise our profile and setting up a CFG within 10 years,the racist media in little England are too disgusted to acknowledge the job he has done, and It doesn’t suit their readership to praise him or Sheikh Mansour.Having unlimited money is largely irrelevant,what’s more important is spending it wisely and that is probably far harder to do than we all think.
Sorry mate, unlimited money cannot be ‘largely irrelevant’ in any context.
Sorry mate, unlimited money cannot be ‘largely irrelevant’ in any context.
What I mean is by and large it would be hard to argue that the owners have wasted money by spending like they did in the period from 2008 to less than 4 years later when the league was won,they realised they had a lot of catching up to do and went ahead and did it,before FFP stopped that investment.It’s far easier to throw money at a club without a structured plan to achieve your goals.
whilst being a related party would have meant we couldn’t be accused of disguising owner investment, it would have left us open to a UEFA assessment of fair value.

also, give that CAS has ruled that Etihad, Aabar & Etisalat are NOT related parties, does that not point to the 2014 settlement agreement being flawed, in that UEFA deemed them to be related parties and reduced the income attributable from some of them?

all water under the bridge but would mean UEFA got it wrong AGAIN.

Have CAS ruled they are not related party I think it might be implied from the ruling but I do not think its implicit
What I mean is by and large it would be hard to argue that the owners have wasted money by spending like they did in the period from 2008 to less than 4 years later when the league was won,they realised they had a lot of catching up to do and went ahead and did it,before FFP stopped that investment.It’s far easier to throw money at a club without a structured plan to achieve your goals.
Ok, fair enough.
I simply don't understand what City were arguing the point and claiming abuse of process because the CFCB hadn't finished investigating it though. It makes no sense at all. City had argued all along, and continued to do so at CAS, that they weren't related parties to ADUG. I think they're right on that point but that meant that they were open to a charge of disguised owner investment, which wouldn't stick if they had been related.

It's like arguing that you were at the scene of a murder knowing the police weren't sure, then complaining when you're charged with the murder on the basis of your insistence.

Have you got the specific lines where we deny its related party and CAS agree not read it all but from what I have readI have not noticed it in fact I was surprised it was not mentioned.As a lot of people who think we got off not only think we are inflating the sponsorships but that our owner owns or controls these companies so from a PR point of view we should be making sure this part is covered properly in the press
What seems to have been overlooked in all the anti City oil money coverage is that Khaldoon Al Mubaraks a billionaire in his own right,Harvard educated businessman hand picked to run City by Sheikh Mansour and he has done a fantastic job of waking a sleeping giant by controlled sponsorships and being a statesman on a higher level than we are used to in this country has projected us onto a higher plane both commercially and financially by having good connections and networking to raise our profile and setting up a CFG within 10 years,the racist media in little England are too disgusted to acknowledge the job he has done, and It doesn’t suit their readership to praise him or Sheikh Mansour.Having unlimited money is largely irrelevant,what’s more important is spending it wisely and that is probably far harder to do than we all think.

And it is this aspect of 'The Project' that sticks in the craw of every City hater! Interesting that when we don't splash out £80m on some ordinary player we've been snubbed, and were we to splash out £80m on some ordinary player we would be ridiculed and the usual Abu Dhabi stories would be rolled out again.
The tag of unlimited money is not really accurate. Manchester United and Manchester City have the highest transfer spend over the last 5 years, however both clubs generate revenue to support that. When City were taken over, we racked up huge losses. Those losses have disappeared. City break-even.

City's model of up-front investment changed a while ago. City are still spending on players, but it's from money generated by the club now, indeed we have lost out on most on many transfer targets over the years because we have not got involved in auctions for players (Hazard, Mbappe, Pogba, Maguire are all players we reportedly shelved interest in because of the finance).

Some clubs are more interested in making a profit out of football's boom imo (Spurs, Liverpool).

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