Istanbul Covid

Woke Monday morning with streaming nose and lots of nasty congestion. Occasional sweats, but no cough or headache. COVID NEGATIVE

Feeling better each day, just waking up with more green stuff than I’d like
Hope everyone is ultimately well, whether covid or not. Obviously tge reason no one turned up to tge parade ;)
Woke Monday morning with streaming nose and lots of nasty congestion. Occasional sweats, but no cough or headache. COVID NEGATIVE

Feeling better each day, just waking up with more green stuff than I’d like
Whatever floats your boat
Tested positive this morning.
Flu like symptoms but already feel better than yesterday when I flew home. Fully jabbed and second time victim. Nowhere near as bad as my first bout. If 1 is Man Flu and 10 is Covid, this was about a 4.
Feel like shit today but just put it down to a busy few days.
Where can the test kits be collected these days
And do you still have to isolate etc if positive?
Nah, personal situations depending you just carry on as normal unless not well enough to work etc.
Felt terrible all day yesterday but put it down to a delayed hangover. Had a sore throat that got progressively worse through the day but put it down to overdoing it on the singing while in Istanbul. Woke up this morning feeling like I’ve been run over, so starting to think I’ve got the same thing. Will nip out for a test later….
There you go Jack! told you it wasn't the alcohol.

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