PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Of course not. Let's be clear, the only reason this investigation came about was because of the Football Leaks emails, for which we only have ourselves to blame.
That was the starting point, yes. However it's almost certain that other PL clubs have railroaded the PL into bringing this action. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us so if we're cleared I'd start by asking the PL to look at Liverpool's non-existent costs for that non-existent new stadium. If other clubs can be cunts about this then so can we.
You get the feeling that some of them are still stuck on ‘the sheik will get bored and walk away’ idea, and if they accuse him and his club of all sorts of dodgy things (well, you know what these foreign types are like)then that will speed his departure and all their problems will simply go away with him.
A massive misjudgement and miscalculation which they have landed themselves with due to their total failure to understand how men like SM and Khaldoon operate.
Its not the first time fear and loathing has led to irrational decisions being made.
What these clowns don't realise is that if the Sheikh ever sold up, he'd sell up to someone with similar ambitions - Silver Lake perhaps but I'm sure he would have a large pool of potential buyers if it wasn't them - and the club would pretty much carry on operating at the level it does now. These pricks think if he sold up we'd automatically go back to being shit again!
That was the starting point, yes. However it's almost certain that other PL clubs have railroaded the PL into bringing this action. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us so if we're cleared I'd start by asking the PL to look at Liverpool's non-existent costs for that non-existent new stadium. If other clubs can be cunts about this then so can we.
We all know that clubs like United and Liverpool are dodgy as fuck... hopefully City have had their own 'team' finding all the dirt on these cnuts before they shred it all like Watergate!
Agreed. Assuming the tribunal is independent and we have genuinely committed some serious misdemeanours then we will deserve some form of punishment which will no doubt spell the end of the Pep project and all that entails.

Not picking on you but the idea that, if we breached the PL rules, then we "deserve" some form of punishment is one that I have seen fairly often on this thread and it rankles somewhat.

The whole princiiple and application of FFP is fraudulent, anti-competitive, introduced in bad faith and imposed on us without our agreement, so, from my perspective, nothing we could do to circumvent those rules would be "deserving" of punishment. If the charges are "proven", it simply means that a cartel of clubs have succeeded in stitching us up, not that we have done a single thing wrong. To the contrary, I would commend our board for the lengths they have gone to in order to compete and giving me the best 10 years of football I have ever witnessed.
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You wouldn't have thought so, but this is pretty much what UEFA did, so it's not beyond the realms of possibility. Never underestimate the stupidity of football administrators.

I know you're a bit dismissive of the idea, but I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that there was a degree of coercion from other clubs, plus there is the looming threat of an independent regulator. These factors could easily have muddied the water for the PL, and resulted in them overreaching with their charges.

That's not to play down the seriousness of the case, and there is an awful lot at stakes for both sides. I don't think anyone at this stage can say with any degree of certainty what the outcome will be.
I think that is a good summary of what I'm trying to say. I've no doubt that there has been lots of pressure on the PL to 'do something about City' and they hopefully have gone into this knowing that they don't have a strong case to land any of the most serious charges to show some intent. What I don't think is that they know they have no case whatsoever and that it is all window dressing for our rivals.
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Not picking on you but the idea that, if we breached the PL rules, then we "deserve" some form of punishment is one that I have seen fairly often on this thread and it wrankles somewhat.

The whole princiiple and application of FFP is fraudulent, anti-competitive, introduced in bad faith and imposed on us without our agreement, so, from my perspective, nothing we could do to circumvent those rules would be "deserving" of punishment. If the charges are "proven", it simply means that a cartel of clubs have succeeded in stitching us up, not that we have done a single thing wrong. To the contrary, I would commend out board for the lengths they have gone to in order to compete and giving me the best 10 years of football I have ever witnessed.
Wholeheartedly agree with this. City fans saying we deserve to be punished if found to be in breach of bent regulations. Give it a rest, It’s pathetic.
You wouldn't have thought so, but this is pretty much what UEFA did, so it's not beyond the realms of possibility. Never underestimate the stupidity of football administrators.

I know you're a bit dismissive of the idea, but I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that there was a degree of coercion from other clubs, plus there is the looming threat of an independent regulator. These factors could easily have muddied the water for the PL, and resulted in them overreaching with their charges.

That's not to play down the seriousness of the case, and there is an awful lot at stakes for both sides. I don't think anyone at this stage can say with any degree of certainty what the outcome will be.

That's exactly my thinking. Under pressure to act, with the threat of an independent regulator looming, they had to do something. The fact there initial letter was a) leaked to the press first and; b) full of errors; is an insight into how thoughtful and thorough the process had been up to that point. It was put together quickly, which meant someone pulled the timings forward or gave them an instruction to issue a charge expediently.

I'm confident the club have acted within the rules. I don't think they'd have been stupid enough to break them. They may have exploited loopholes but that's it. UEFA were under similar pressure and we won through. The trouble is, Simon Jordan and the idiots who either didn't read the CAS verdict, or ignored it, tell everyone we were still guilty as we got fined. They say part was time-barred and assume we'd have been guilty if those matters could have been determined. They ignore the fact the fine was for non-compliance which the club was forced into as a result of UEFA leaking confidential information - something CAS was concerned by.

So here we are and it's the PL's turn. Nothing off the menu. No issue of time-barred information or a Court of Arbitration to review its verdict. But under the same pressure form the history boys cartel. And I can't see a situation where we get a positive verdict personally. They can't compete on the pitch, they're never going to allow us to get away with this. There will be immense pressure to bring a punishment our way. The fallout if they don't will just lead to further support for an independent regulator, something they are desperate to avoid. I just don't see how City can win. We're not dealing with a court of law, there's no fair trial here.
Am I right in saying that the only thing that has brought this thread to life, is the Everton points deduction, and that nothing has changed with regards to the charges leveled against us?

And that no one actual knows about when any hearing is going to take place?

I understand that the Everton situation has sent some shockwaves throughout out fan base but it's been made clear the two situations are not comparable, with this in mind are we not going around in circles?


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