PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

After watching the video yesterday of stefan with the gobshite I've come to the conclusion that Jordan is on the spectrum. His behaviour and inability to stop himself from cutting in when people are speaking is rude and probably out of his control.

Do you think he’d have the same lack of control if he was on B-Wing in Strangeways mate?

He’s a ****, simple as that.
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He’s a regular barrack-room lawyer who thinks talking a lot is the same as knowing what you’re talking about.
His view is based on ‘115 allegations must mean guilt‘, ‘nods as good as a wink’, ‘owners like them didn’t get where they are by being honest’, ‘everybody and his dog knows‘ and all the other cliches and guesses and suppositions and jealousy driven rants.
I hope he and his mates who agree with him are never called for jury duty.

Strange how he didn't say any of that yesterday when Stefan was in the studio

The pillock has form for that, last time Stefan was on, Satsuma Jordan agreed with Stefan about Chelski player contracts of 5 years although the day before he proclaimed Chelski had got round FFP by signing their latest players all on 8 year deals.

He used to call us the 'Frankenstein' club, but he has not used that phrase for a while. I wonder if he our suits have had a word
There’s no “if” and city is not obligated to cooperate since they have submitted enough paperworks. Before talking about fine , city should demand full transparency of every penny we have been penalized with and audit.
If you can't prove them, then by definition they're not correct.
After watching the video yesterday of stefan with the gobshite I've come to the conclusion that Jordan is on the spectrum. His behaviour and inability to stop himself from cutting in when people are speaking is rude and probably out of his control.
He ticks a lot of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder boxes and displays certain elements of (business world) psychopathy thrown in for good measure, that'd be my semi-educated guess.
There’s no “if” and city is not obligated to cooperate since they have submitted enough paperworks. Before talking about fine , city should demand full transparency of every penny we have been penalized with and audit.
Dear Ickle Citeh
Give us a million pages of extra accounts info for period 2009-2018, far far more than we require from any other member club, do exactly what we ask no matter how ridiculous or we will charge you with being uncooperative and release it to the world to sully your name to the global billions.
Regards The PL

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