Atheist mother stops child from going on school religious


Well-Known Member
29 Jan 2010
Its Guinness time any day of the week.
A mother has told a school that her children will not be going on any school trips where they would be attending any religious buildings,as she (the mother) is an atheist,and wants her children to make their own minds up,later on in life.
She already has sent a note barring them from school assembly.
Not certain if it should be the other way around,that the kids attend UNTIL they are old enough to be able to make their own minds up over religion ??
Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

Well if a Jewish or Muslim mother wanted to stop their child going to a Christian establishment or stop them singing Christian songs in assembly nobody would bat an eye lid.

Personally when I have kids I wouldn't stop them going but I'd make sure they had the chance to listen to the likes of Christopher Hitchens and Dawkins as well and leave it up to them.

I had practically no influence from my parents, maybe a little from my nan but not much, which I'm very grateful for. I saw through the lies at an early age and became an atheist from being left completely free to make my own mind up.
Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

I'm an atheist with a five year old and there's no way I would stop her from going to a church or cathedral, that's forcing my non belief on her and is as bad as indoctrination of a religion.
I want her to have a rounded view on all aspects of religion and hope in the end she makes an informed decision.
Plus there are some amazing sites to see, some cathedrals are so beautiful, why won't I want her to experience them.
Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

She can do as she wants but this wasn't and isn't news.
Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

SWP's back said:
She can do as she wants but this wasn't and isn't news.

Pretty much this. She can do what she likes but it's daft really of her to deprive her child of the culture and fun social experiences of school trips because she is frightened about "spooky religious brainwashing".

Let the kid go. A visit to a nice Church isn't going to warp it for life.
Ban-jani said:
Well if a Jewish or Muslim mother wanted to stop their child going to a Christian establishment or stop them singing Christian songs in assembly nobody would bat an eye lid.

Personally when I have kids I wouldn't stop them going but I'd make sure they had the chance to listen to the likes of Christopher Hitchens and Dawkins as well and leave it up to them.

I had practically no influence from my parents, maybe a little from my nan but not much, which I'm very grateful for. I saw through the lies at an early age and became an atheist from being left completely free to make my own mind up.

Good post

In addition to religions the following should be taught


It tire's me greatly to see our schools which are seats of learning, attempt to indoctrinate our children into the realms of fairy tales. As a matter of fact we do or should have the right to instruct schools to opt out our children and grandchildren from religious doctrine

I would expect a Muslim would like to attend a roman catholic church to appreciate its teachings
Therefore it follows that I would not like a grandchild of mine to visit a mosque or synagogue or Mormon place of worship etc

Question to Hitchens:
My question to Christopher is, how you can justify wanting to take something away from people, that gives meaning to 95% of the American people, and replace it with something that gives meaning to just 5% of the American people?

Ha! Well, what an incredibly stupid question. First I’ve said repeatedly that this stuff cannot be taken away from people, it is their favorite toy and it will remain so, as Freud said, it will remain that way as long as we’re afraid of death. Which is I think likely to be quite a long time.

Second I hope I’ve made it clear that I’m perfectly happy for people to have these toys and to play with them at home, and hug them to themselves and share them with other people who come round and play with the toys.

That’s, absolutely fine. But they are not to make me play with these toys.
I will not play with the toys
Don’t bring the toys to my house.
Don’t say my children must play with these toys
Don’t say my toys, might be a condom, here we go again, are not allowed by their toys. I’m not going to have any of that. Enough with clerical and religious bullying and intimidation. Is that finally clear? Have I got that across? Thank you
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Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

Taximania said:
Ban-jani said:
Well if a Jewish or Muslim mother wanted to stop their child going to a Christian establishment or stop them singing Christian songs in assembly nobody would bat an eye lid.

Personally when I have kids I wouldn't stop them going but I'd make sure they had the chance to listen to the likes of Christopher Hitchens and Dawkins as well and leave it up to them.

I had practically no influence from my parents, maybe a little from my nan but not much, which I'm very grateful for. I saw through the lies at an early age and became an atheist from being left completely free to make my own mind up.

Good post

In addition to religions the following should be taught


It tire's me greatly to see our schools which are seats of learning attempting to indoctrinate our children into the realms of fairy tales
And as a matter of fact we do have the right in this blessed country of ours to instruct schools to opt out our children and grandchildren from religious doctrine

I would not expect a Muslim would like to attend a roman catholic church to appreciate its teachings
Therefore it follows that I would not like a grandchild of mine to visit a mosque or synogog or Mormon place of worship etc

In the words of the magnificent human being now departed

“My question to Christopher is, how you can justify wanting to take something away from people, that gives meaning to 95% of the American people, and replace it with something that gives meaning to just 5% of the American people?”

“Ha! Well, what an incredibly stupid question. First I’ve said repeatedly that this stuff cannot be taken away from people, it is their favourite toy and it will remain so, as Freud said, it will remain that way as long as we’re afraid of death. Which is I think likely to be quite a long time.
Second I hope I’ve made it clear that I’m perfectly happy for people to have these toys and to play with them at home, and hug them to themselves and share them with other people who come round and play with the toys.
That’s, absolutely fine. They are not, to make me play with these toys.
I will not play with the toys
Don’t bring the toys to my house.
Don’t say my children must play with these toys
Don’t say my toys, might be a condom, here we go again, are not allowed by their toys. I’m not going to have any of that.
Enough with clerical and religious bullying and intimidation. Is that finally clear? Have I got that across? Thank you

What an incredible earthling he was !

Classic Hitchens.

Love it.
Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

She just doesn't want him to get influenced like a lot of kids are. 95% of all religious people are influenced in some sort of way when they are very young imo. It all bows down to where you are born. I'm sure If every chid wasn't influenced and looked at all the evidence when they got to a certain age, I'm sure there would be a lot more atheists in very religious countries like the middle east, America or anywhere for that matter. Instead they get brain washed into believing something which is on par if not more ridiculous than harry potter.
Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
She can do as she wants but this wasn't and isn't news.

Pretty much this. She can do what she likes but it's daft really of her to deprive her child of the culture and fun social experiences of school trips because she is frightened about "spooky religious brainwashing".

Let the kid go. A visit to a nice Church isn't going to warp it for life.

You sure? I am sure this spire was straight before they let schoolkids in .

Re: Atheist mother stops child from going on school religiou

As a teacher who has taken children on many trips to religious buildings, I've only ever had a problem with parents complaining when visiting a mosque. Always get kids off school on the day of a trip to a mosque (and facebook groups set up discussing it) where as trips to churches, synagogues or temples pass without anyone noticing.

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