Last Film You Saw

Yeah it was a great movie. I've always loved Tom Hardy's acting but now I am becoming a crazy fan, Its like he can do no wrong - although Legend kind of let me down. I haven't seen the one he acted as a Russian military guy yet, would try to get my hands on that one. Hollywood has gone crazy with CGI, that bear attack scene was crazy!!! As for the hateful eight, well I've never really been a Tarantino fan, I did love reservoir dogs though.

I saw Legend last night and it was ok. Nothing really groundbreaking and thought the story tried much too hard to make Reg a "good guy dragged down by his brother" by omitting the violence from his character outside of a small number of occasions. Thought Tom Hardy did very well to be honest.
Spotlight. About pedo priests scandal in boston. Great film. Great acting as well.

Would recommend giving the room a watch too based loosely on Elizabeth's fritzels story

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