Recent content by stevemcgarry

  1. S

    Paul Mariner RIP

    I featured him in a series I did in Match Weekly in the early 1980s.
  2. S

    Rodney Marsh and Dennis Tueart

    No, afraid not. That's from 1974 and I didn't do anything for City until 1982 or so. I did a couple of Christmas covers I think but they were in color.
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    Rodney Marsh and Dennis Tueart

    I should start off by saying I don’t know either of them but I did have a couple of interactions with Dennis Tueart, one of which, in particular, made a big impression on me. I had a series in the City programme in the early 1980s where I would do an illustration of a player and the fan who...
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    Colin Bell RIP - Ian Cheeseman interview with Jon Bell (P142)

    As a young teen in the 1960s, I watched every home game from the Kippax Street (apart from a spell when I figured out a blag where I could sit on a bench on the touchline next to the City dugout because selling On The Ball tickets gave me access to anywhere in the ground!) When The Beatles...
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    Me and Dennis Tueart

    This may or may not be of passing interest to a few City fans of a certain mature age but I did an interview with Shoot The Breeze, which is a podcast dedicated to football mags like Shoot! and Match Weekly from the 1980s. The interview ended up running over three hours and so they have split it...
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    CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

    I have to hold my hands up. I've worked in newspapers for almost 40 years now ... including working with the sports desks at The Sun, The Daily Star, The Expess and the Mirror among others, as well as all the football mags ... and never really subscribed to the idea that there was a deliberate...
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    Rob Gretton

    I know a lot of City fans remember Rob Gretton. Today would've been his 65th birthday so I thought I'd share this pic of two fresh-faced young mods, taken in a photo booth in early 1969, long before Joy Division and New Order and the Hac. We'd hitched to Coventry to see City and met some girls...
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    City programmes from the 1960s

    That's perfect! Thank you so much! And thanks to everyone who has offered to help. Much appreciated!
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    City programmes from the 1960s

    I was hoping there might be a programme-collecting Blue on here that could help me out. I'm appearing at The Lakes International Comic Art Festival in Kendal in October and I'm doing a presentation on football comics and cartoons from around the world. One of the things that got me into...
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    United Thread 2015/16

    There you go then much for Mourinho's debt of gratitude to his former mentor and all that guff.
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    United Thread 2015/16

    Who leaked the story? Apparently it wasn't United ... it certainly wasn't LVG because he was still parading the Cup when his missus told him he was getting the tin tack, hence his stroppy press conference after the game ... so that only leaves Mourinho. That suggests he decided to piss on LVG's...
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    Well done boss

    “It was an emotional day, but also one of relief because my duty, even though not my future, was to finish with this team in qualifying for the next Champions League,” he said. Fair enough. For me, I'll remember him as bit limited tactically and loyal to a fault to his senior players ... but he...
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    1981 FA Cup Final

    Spurs had a player called Tony Galvin in their side in those days. A year or two after this, my friend Pete Morrall, he was the landlord of The Kenilworth in Cheadle Hulme, was organising a boozy trip to the continent with a few of the lads from the pub. I didn't fancy it but a mate of mine...
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    1981 FA Cup Final

    The very first piece I ever had published in a national newspaper was the centre-spread of The Daily Star, illustrating all the players on the two teams in the 1981 FA Cup Final. They gave away the two pieces of artwork as prizes in a competition, one to a City fan and the other to a Spurs fan...

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