Pay to listen to Corbyn speak

Sorry that's utter bollocks. Why doesn't it mean the same for all?

So on the basis that BAME members need to be subsidized in order for them to attend, that seems to be making an assumption that they all haven't the got the rights to equal access due to them not being able to afford the costs. Inherant in that assumption is that BAME members have less money than non-BAME members. Can you not see the racist connatations underlying that?

If this isn't the case, then other conclusions that can drawn is that BAME members aren't attending due to choice & freewill, as there doesn't seem to be any other restrictions in place just for them stopping them from attending.

As has been said numerous times if cost was zero or a minimal amount then everyone would have equal access and opportunity to attend, and while at the event they could all give amounts based on their ability to contribute and not based on their skin colour.

£10 for him....


£10 for him...


Equals equality?

As for....

Inherant in that assumption is that BAME members have less money than non-BAME members. Can you not see the racist connatations underlying that?

You see racism because you want to, it may be that BAME have less money than other groups and if that were true then to acknowledge it is not racism, it might be that BAME groups don't traditionally join mainstream political parties or order their budgets differently, it could be any number of things.

Here you go, here's a question for you, do you believe women only short lists in any walk of life is sexist?
You see I can understand how it looks odd that Bill Gates and a homeless guy would both be charged the same amount to attend. All such things will have a price and there will be anomalies at say the Conservative Party Conference - group discounts, discounts for young members etc - same at any other conference its the black over white discount at this one that really just doesn't make sense at all in this day and age regardless of which party it is. Gates and the tramp the same amount because they are white but say Obama and an average black mum £10 less based purely on skin colour
£10 for him....


£10 for him...


Equals equality?

As for....

You see racism because you want to, it may be that BAME have less money than other groups and if that were true then to acknowledge it is not racism, it might be that BAME groups don't traditionally join mainstream political parties or order their budgets differently, it could be any number of things.

Here you go, here's a question for you, do you believe women only short lists in any walk of life is sexist?

In your pathetic attempt at humour you seem to forget this is a fund raising event as well as a political rally.

What you're failing to understand, no I'll rephrase that, what you understand but refuse to acknowledge, is that "equality for all shouldn't be at the expense of anyone else" is a nonsense, it's always at someone's expense. the pricing at this rally is a minor nod in the direction of equality of opportunity, that means groups who might not normally attend a political rally, or for that matter get a university place or a football managers job or a winnable constituency get preferential treatment, why? Because differences in society favour some groups over others and if one is committed to equality of opportunity then the goal posts must change.

In those circumstances someone always loses out and that someone is a member of the group that normally gets that university place, that football managers job or normally attends a political rally. In life there are often a finite number of desirable things and left to their own devices privileged groups snaffle them up for their own, you seem the sort who's happy with that, that's okay, might I suggest you stay at home and watch a box set of Love Thy Neighbour as you seem to have a fetish for 70's sitcoms.

Look Wolfie, it's very simple, if you can get your head around it.

The tenner less to see the great one if you are not white is assuming that all white people have 40 quid to spare to see JC and that all BAME people could do with the break. It makes assumptions based on race, colour and creed. That is not the way to promote Equality.

"The pricing at this rally is a minor nod in the direction of equality of opportunity, that means groups who might not normally attend a political rally, or for that matter get a university place or a football managers job or a winnable constituency get preferential treatment."

This bit especially is complete horsecock. I have never attended a rally. Or had a football manager's job. Or indeed ever won a constituency let alone a winnable one (all parties covered here Wolfie I hope) and yet you are asking me to pay a tenner more than someone else based on the colour of my skin.

That is racist. By it's very definition.

If you can't see that then there's no hope for you Wolfie, no hope at all.

Lol. Looks like your making the Right wingers look fuckin daft again mate.

Yes. Indeed. That's exactly what he's doing. If indeed I was a right winger.

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