1 day passport - Anyone done it?


Well-Known Member
21 Nov 2010
Flight is tomorrow afternoon, took a first look at my passport this morning, realised I'm a knob and its a month out of date. I've got an appointment with the passport office tomorrow morning and I have one shot to get it right and still get to go on my trip - So has anyone done it before? Things I should prepare for? Its a renewal rather than a fresh application and I *think* I still look enough like the original photo.. Have filled out two forms and have a clean backup just in case. Done two sets of pictures one shaven one without! I've always thought historically passport applications will crash out at the slightest sign of an error and I really do only have one go at it.
I did it a few years ago in Liverpool .... was a long day waiting around (wasn't even allowed back into the building 'til late afternoon) but did the job and went through okay.

Only complaint was the cost but, hey ho, if you're the one who's dropped the booboo can only complain to yourself really!!
Flight is tomorrow afternoon, took a first look at my passport this morning, realised I'm a knob and its a month out of date. I've got an appointment with the passport office tomorrow morning and I have one shot to get it right and still get to go on my trip - So has anyone done it before? Things I should prepare for? Its a renewal rather than a fresh application and I *think* I still look enough like the original photo.. Have filled out two forms and have a clean backup just in case. Done two sets of pictures one shaven one without! I've always thought historically passport applications will crash out at the slightest sign of an error and I really do only have one go at it.
What time is the flight? Going to be pushing it to get back from Merkydive 2 hours before the flight..... but good luck
They don't give it you there and then. Takes up to 4 hours from seeing them to getting the passport I believe. If your appointment is first thing and your flight is after 3pm then you might make it. If not, then you're screwed.

Appointment is 8:15 and flight is 6:30 - Hoping I should be ok even with the four hour wait. Tempted to book backup flights just in case but I'm more worried about the application not going through than the physical passport being a bit late.
I've never been in that situation so excuse the possible stupid question but won't your new passport have a different passport no. to the one on your tickets or does that not matter? I only ask because it seems like the kind of thing they'd be arsey about!
Where are you flying too , if it's Spain then your passport can be up to 12 months out of date
Result, passport procured and plenty of time to still make the flight. Note to others, don't renew your passport the morning you travel. The whole premium service was great though, was actually out of the office before my appointment was supposed to start.

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