Alexis Sanchez

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I wonder if we might see a Spanish side come in for him tomorrow? Sanchez might decide that although he wanted City, going somewhere/anywhere is better than staying at Arsenal for another 12 months, especially after the way they have treated him today.
It's ironic really, you need the player more than we do, and you need the money more than we do, and in 12 months you will have neither. It is also highly likely that you will have another year out if the top 4, you will have also lost Ozil and Sant C on frees, and your senile manager will still be telling us how having players in the last year of their contract is good for your club (how does that one work exactly?)

Tell me, given we are so crap, why are you so exercised by us? Just asking...
Don't quite understand why Arsenal fans are celebrating this.

You're now left with a player who is devastated that this transfer didn't go though. Sanchez wants nothing to do with the Arsenal's future and will be leaving for free in 10 months.

One of your two main attacking threats will be disgruntled with one eye on where he is going next season.

Your team is still the same team that got absolutely humiliated by Liverpool. The same Liverpool that The Ox joined, taking a significant pay cut to join and get away from your club.

Your club made a bid for Lemar, and depending on which story you believe, Arsenal (a) had bid accepted not thinking that it would be, only bidding to appease fans by looking like you were trying, and then cancelled the transfer when it was accepted as you had no intention of following through (b) had the bid accepted and Lemar wisely straight up rejected to have anything to do with your shambles of a club this season.

You're in the middle of a terrible start to the season, let's not forget that you should have lost to Leicester too if not for your handball leading to a goal, and that would have been 3 losses out of 3. This is off the tail end of your worst league position since 1996, for this you've rewarded the manager with a new 2 year deal at an increased wage.

This same manager that the majority of your fan base want out and have no support for. You have important players who are refusing to commit to your clubs future. Sanchez, Ozil, Mertesacker, Wilshire, and Cazorla are all free agents at the end of the season. If all these players leave for free (or even half of them, which is extremely looking like the case) that will be a large part of the arsenal 2018 transfer money that will have to be spent to replace them, and we all know that Arsenal aren't good at bringing in new players.

Sanchez will be gone at the end of the season, maybe to us, maybe somewhere else, but your club as pissed away £60m in what is an embarrassment. £60m that Arsenal shouldn't be willing to let go, because of your failure to achieve Champions League and won't be close to getting back in again this season.

There is not a single thing that Arsenal fans should be celebrating today.
Precisely this.

I desperately wanted him, but really as a short term measure. He could have given us two very good years and helped us to give Silva, Yaya and Vinnie the Champions league trophy they so badly need/want/deserve before they retire.

Next summer we should move on and find a younger, more driven forward for the long term to take over from Serge.

Now or never for Sanchez.

I swear some people think footballers live in the world of Logan's Run where they're killed once they turn 30. Turning 30 doesn't instantly make a player shit. Sanchez would easily have 3 years minimum left at the top level and if he's on a free there would be next to no risk.
Less salty than most so I respect the post but you did not make fourth last year with Sanchez so I am not sure why you are so confident you will this year having only added Lacazette and having lost a better player than you give credit in Chamberlain and keeping Wenger (you've started so well?).

You're right we might not, but we have added Lacazette and Kolasinic with Nelson braking through. Chamberlain is pretty poor, disapointment from when we signed him

3 games don't determine a season.
The idea that Arsenal fans are gloating is bloody ridiculous.

We know our place and it's no longer in the top 6 but at least we haven't taken down our trousers and let you lot feck us up the proverbial...
Must be a grim time for you gooners pal, didn't think things could get much worse for arsenal.
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