Balo - bet The Fail dont print this...........

City ace funds training camp for child soldiers horror

by Neil Ashton
So Garth Crooks - what have you done to make someone's life better recently?

Here's the link to his website in English, which details all the stuff he's done.

What a tremendous guy. I was furious with him after that stupid sending off at Anfield but you can't stay angry with him after reading this. He really does seem to be one of the most sensitive and big-hearted guys there is.
Damocles said:
He's been involved in the region since he was about 17 and met a guy who became his big mate later, who was a former child soldier. This isn't the only thing that he has helped build there, he's thrown loads of cash at the Sudan. I'm sure that you can find some extra details knocking about somewhere, probably his official site or something.

Not to mention the visit to the home of abandoned children back in Italy ..i find this really sad--handicapped kids whose parents decide they don,t want them....after what this classy young intelligent footballer has been through,it is great that he seeks to give something back.

Think he has visited the slums of Brazil also, to see how they poor street urchins live-think he has also been photographed playing footy with them....a lively and enquiring mind is a sign of intelligence-varied interests,outside of getting drunk and thrown out of nightclubs seem to suggest there is a lot more to our Mario than meets the eye.

Great charcter.

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