Biggest sell-outs

  • Thread starter dronefromsector7g
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Mad Eyed Screamer said:
I'd love to see all you principled souls on here turning down X thousands of pounds to advertise butter. I certainly wouldn't and wouldn't slag Johnny Rotten off for doing it either. Good luck to him. He still has the same views as he did in 1976.
Some people think their favourite punk or indie band should never sign for a major, never move to LA, never play in front of a venue bigger than the Academy 2, never have a hit single so other people jump on their ''secret'' band and they should always remain underground and not to appeal to the masses, so they can bemoan to the masses that they like a band that no one has heard of and complain that no one has ever heard of them and the radio doesn't play them..... then as soon as the radio plays them and they get on TOTP and jump to bigger venues and shift more albums to satisfy the demand and do a world tour instead of a Lancashire tour every month, they get screamed at for selling out......
We are all saving for a pension. If English butter wish to give Johnny his pension, good luck to both.
In the precious world of hero worship and fandom, you (wrongly) attribute qualities to humans that you would hold if you had the freedom to. Therefore, the lead singer, the striker, the actor, the activist becomes, vicariously, you. They live life without care and are, ahem, "sticking it to the man."

When that person goes against one of those attributes or principals that you have (wrongly) imbued their essence with, it becomes a slight (vicariously again) on yourself and disappointment along with outpourings of grief, bile and vitriol ensue on forums like this.

All part of the fun of life's rich tapestry.

I'm more of a GDM man myself.
Thaksinssoldier said:
Someone called it earlier, but Black Eyed Peas take the biscuit.

A lot of folk don't realise they were knocking around years as just the 3 lads, and made quality music. Music that in fairness wasn't selling that well.

Record company told them to take a back seat to Fergie and basically write songs for her and they'd get a which point they bent over and fecked their fans over in favour of becoming an annoying pop band.

What was worse was they even had the cheek to put 1 good song on each album without Fergie, to show how they were actually still a good band. F**k em.

Ice T and Ice Cube deserve honourable mentions.Oh and Queen Latifah, she's a whore who'd do anything for a dollar.

Never understood the black eyed peas thing, at least if you're going to sell out do it with a girl whos actually fit. She looks like a meth addict
Thanks thaksinssoldier, I was trying to expand without going on a complete rant and couldn't :)
nimrod said:
Sheikh said:
Everyone sells out when the price is right.

Neil Young never did

Zach De la Rocha from Rage Against the Machine quit the band to stand for what he believed in.(he basically said you cant be Rage Against the Machine and then support a corporate record companies assault on napster).
nimrod said:
Sheikh said:
Everyone sells out when the price is right.

Neil Young never did


The very mention of his name prompts me to post my favourite ever Neil Young image...

Bill Hicks had it right - 'anyone who sells their soul for the corporate shilling is off my artistic roster, and can go fuck themselves.
Every tainted word they utter is like a turd falling into my drink'.
These folk are rich enough already, and all that claptrap about feathering a pension fund nest by flogging fucking butter, or insurance, or chips, or Stannah fucking stairlifts to pensioners with Alzheimers living in bungalows is utter bollocks, because they are just shameless, greedy opportunistic cunts with zero credibility.
If anyone wants further information on Fetlocks Financial Pyramid Schemes, or Nij's Nice Little Earners, please pm me.
Thaksinssoldier said:
nimrod said:
Sheikh said:
Everyone sells out when the price is right.

Neil Young never did

Zach De la Rocha from Rage Against the Machine quit the band to stand for what he believed in.(he basically said you cant be Rage Against the Machine and then support a corporate record companies assault on napster).

I dont remember that being the case myself
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
nimrod said:
Neil Young never did

Zach De la Rocha from Rage Against the Machine quit the band to stand for what he believed in.(he basically said you cant be Rage Against the Machine and then support a corporate record companies assault on napster).

I dont remember that being the case myself

Nah, the napster thing happened after they split. The record company booted fans off napster who downloaded rages stuff, rage knew nothing of this and apologised. That was it really

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