City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats


A couple in their sixties, sit on our row in CB stand (134) .... they leave EVERY game, be it early, regular or late ko ... Sat, Sun or midweek bang on 70 mins ... regardless of the score and the importance of the game. They even missed the greatest moment in our history ... yup 93:20, and they still left on 70 mins.

They were there .... and left and missed it by choice. I know some who would sell a kidney or a child to have been there ... Baffling.

if im still around in 9 years time when im in my sixties i hope im allowed a little grace if i need to leave before the end of every game..fair paly to them. Ive said before on here, my cousin is 71 and suffers chronic pain. he leaves on 70 mins or so because he is in agony. the effort he goes through to get to every home match is unbelievable....but still some dicks shout at him as he hobbles down steps with his walking stick before the match ends.! Each to there own![/QUOTE]
I couldn't agree more
The old fella sat next to me is in his nineties and gets there as often as he can.
Too many people in here having a pop at the 'old' forgetting that they will be too.
2pm on a Saturday, just ahead in the game - and people leaving with 5/10 minutes to go. Don't understand.
It's upto the people that pay.Some of these people that would've sold their kidney for big matches,do they go against Stoke and Wba in midweek.I bet not !
When he added 7 minutes on today, I knew it would be more like 10, so I left after 5 of them.

I didn't want to miss my train as it would cost me about £50 extra to get home so

Family stand observation. In our seats 20 mins before kick off to see the big Nicky Weaver no show. Match kicks off, 9 mins later two blokes, no kids, wander in and take to their seats. About 40 mins in they get up to go for a few more beers. On 52 minutes the two merry men return to their seats for a good 20 minutes before one of them has to nip out for a pee. Granted they stayed until the end but easily missed a good 20-25 minutes of the game. A few people around us left on 90 minutes, missing 7 or 8 minutes if the game. Who are the bigger Blues?

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