Claudio Bravo signing confirmed

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welcome to city Bravo !!

id rather have hart, but pep knows best and he is a fantastic keeper. I'm hoping gunn can become number 2 keeper now
You'll get over it

its not about getting over it its about wanting what is best for the team.....he will lose us points if he plays regular games.....we need a better no.2 ...who that is i don't know but I'm sure pep and the scouts with their vast array of contacts could find one and imho they need to.

more than happy with the signing of bravo.....looks like he takes a decent free kick as well! ;-)
Agreed, I'd love if Gunn could be #2, he's already been playing the build-from-the-back style in the EDS, would be great to see him in the Cup games and Bravo in the League and Chumps.

Super Claudio! Having seen his performance at the Copa America final this summer can't wait for him to get in this side!

People questioned whether Pep's tactics could work in the PL (away to Stoke) They DID. People question if Bravo can succeed in the physical English game, He WILL.

Ive never seen Gunn play much at all so couldn't comment on him but Im looking forward to seeing bravo play.....definite step up from Caballero
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