Crime on the rise / is society f*cked?

I’ve had my car broken into twice in a year now. Once outside my house last summer and this week parked in the northern quarter in broad daylight.

Both times the culprit didn’t even attempt to gain access or look to see if there was anything to steal. Just smashed a window for what I assume was purely for the hell of it.

It boils my piss that these scum just get away with shit like this knowing full well there will be no repercussions.

The police couldn’t give a fuck obviously.

It really does feel like this country is totally fucked and I’m at the point now where I don’t want to live here anymore. Britain is a horrible shit hole.
I’m gutted that our original plan to leave was scuppered by SWMBO’s health.. The best we can hope for now is a few months away over winter.. This country is only going to get worse as we pander to every wish from the latest generation..
I know in the area that I live and by doing the job i do there seems to be a split forming between the haves and have nots.

The area is over run with the arty DFL"s. They get grants after grant to support their arty community. The local council seems to think that art will solve all the problems.
The arty community are based around a 500yd area around the Tuner Centre by the harbour and old town.

The local council also supports the reopening of manston airport to be a flight cargo hub. Which would destroy the town of ramsgate which is the best town in thanet. The person behind trying to get manston reopen is a struck off solicitor for nicking clients funds lol. He aims to get 500 million investment
The airport has gone bust 4 times in a row. Who wants an airport at the bottom right hand corner of England ? No infrastructure .

Its abit of a ramble but so many people feel they arent part of society any more. They dont fit in, in an area they were brought up in. We have London prices on thanet wages it makes you feel pissed of.

Thanet is turning into an inner city of the 80's young locals are being pushed, cant afford the house prices cant afford pvt rent. The towns stink of dope and people drinking in the streets.

All of this leads to increased crime and jealousy. When I was a kid growing up here everyone was more or less equal.
Now this area has one of the highest amount of kids living in poverty ( a 3rd ). Yet we have some kids taken to school in Lamborghini. Ferrari, maclaren etc arent uncommon. Porsche are as common as Fords.

Society is split a local scally does some graffiti which I might like, he is seen as scum and should be doing time. Yet these same people love and will pay millions if Banksy does the same.

It's clearly not all the dfls fault

For me personally I found an old pay slip the other day from 2007 I was on 30k a year. I still live and work in the area but now only on 22k a year but I now have to pay London prices. Of course my standard of living has drop due to my wages but the level of drop and London prices means I now survive instead of live. I live of the little inheritance I received.

I dont know the answers but I can understand why crime is on the increase. I dont agree with it there is no excuse for damaging other people's property.

Here ends my Saturday ramble !
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This is one situation where it’s vandalism or they are smashing windows to turn your car over for what they think might what be inside. Its an absolute pain in the backside for you and an inconvenience as you now have to pay to get this fixed because some inconsiderate fuck thinks it’s ok to do it and knows he/she won’t get caught.

Wider society though when living standard drops going on the rob be it cars, houses, shops or selling drugs will rise unfortunately. The country doesn’t have the resources to pay for more police which is depressing.
they have plenty of money they’ve cancelled HS2 north just use that cash.
I’m gutted that our original plan to leave was scuppered by SWMBO’s health.. The best we can hope for now is a few months away over winter.. This country is only going to get worse as we pander to every wish from the latest generation..
Or maybe blame the generation that's actually in power and been running the place?
The basis of any good society is strong local communities and neighbourhoods where everyone has an interest in the wellbeing of those living nearby.

Growing up in the late 70s and early 80s you knew almost everyone on your street, it was an extended family. If anyone was having a hard time the community offered some support.

Then sometime in the mid 80s there was a change, we started to follow the American model of money being everything. Rather than looking at our neighbours as an extension of our families we started to treat them as someone to compete with, who's got the nicest house, best car, can afford skiing holidays etc. Follow that through to now where instead of it being just in your local area, you have the world posting what they have got and how they are living celebrity lifestyles, albeit mostly a façade.

What effect does that have on kids ? The sense of community doesn't exist and everyone being measured by what they have. Now think about being from a poorer background, it leads to crime both low and high level, whether it be taking out their frustration by vandalism or stealing to have things they see, but cant afford.

Apart from a very small number, criminals aren't born, they are a product of the society they grow up in.

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