Darts walk on girls chalked off.

And that’s simply not remotely true.
Whatever, still a Yanks sport with all the attendant razzmatazz nonsense.
Bottom line is, it depends on the image you want to portray for your sport.
Nothing to do with being PC.
I wouldn't want to see it at the Etihad and I'm sure the vast majority wouldn't either.
Darts have had a rethink and I expect boxing and Formula 1 will follow.
There's only one company that shows Sports Entertainment, brother

Now that is a joke 'sport', so I imagine the walk on girls would go down well (no pun disclaimer again) in a Benny Hill kind of way.
Whatever, still a Yanks sport with all the attendant razzmatazz nonsense.
Bottom line is, it depends on the image you want to portray for your sport.
Nothing to do with being PC.
I wouldn't want to see it at the Etihad and I'm sure the vast majority wouldn't either.
Darts have had a rethink and I expect boxing and Formula 1 will follow.
That's just needless spin, why have they had this rethink about this "image" and why that particular part of it? There's plenty of other "razzmatazz nonsense" around darts... Is it not far more likely that it is very much that they've "rethought" in the interests of their image being more PC? And therefore it's everything to do with being PC.

Also if it was that(which it's not IMO) then the rethink would have had consultation with the fans first, I doubt very much that's happened, unless you think it's wise to pander to people who don't watch the sport(and really that's not the reason those people aren't watching it lets be real) over the fans who actually are their audience?

Predictably those fans who do petition for the walk on girls to be saved will be dealt in the usual ways, labelled, criticised, attacked and ultimately silenced. "You just want to ogle beautiful women you sexist pigs... women are people too don't you know" and so on.
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The true scandal (which is probably what influenced the PDA's decision) is the charities handing back money because of a few alleged incidents of pissed-up men touching up a few waitresses. Have people lost their minds?

"Sorry little Timmy, because someone asked a waitress for her phone-number, we can no longer afford to treat your brain cancer". Scumbags.

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