Eden Hazard

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Jonathan1979 said:
Since we're teasing and all: a compilation of his season so far:
Not too bad, i'd say.
<a class="postlink" href="http://youtu.be/SqN5jZs6Aoo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://youtu.be/SqN5jZs6Aoo</a>

(my opinion about him: he's dying to leave Lille, but Lille are demanding an excessively high amount for him. This way a lot of clubs simply can't afford him, even though maybe a slightly smaller club might suit him better for the time being, after all, he's only 21y old.)

I know it's only a Youtube clip but that didn't really wow me an awful lot. Seemed a bit greedy and poor decision making.

Reminded me a bit of Adel at Spurs, trying to do too much.

30m pounds seems a massive gamble. I remember Queresma being hyped up even more than Hazard and he was very medicore for me
He clearly is quality, but is he worth what we would have to pay? There are some bloody exciting young wingers atm that we could look at. Although if we are going to splash out big on a player this summer I would prefer it to be a winger and Hazard would fit the bill in that he is young and only going to improve.<br /><br />-- Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:58 pm --<br /><br />He clearly is quality, but is he worth what we would have to pay? There are some bloody exciting young wingers atm that we could look at. Although if we are going to splash out big on a player this summer I would prefer it to be a winger and Hazard would fit the bill in that he is young and only going to improve.
Tevez City said:
Jewish knows how to spend.
I don't mean to be that guy. But considering whats going on in football at the moment, is that really a clever comment to make?

Speaker said:
In my opinion Hazard would be a much more useful player than Willian as he can play through the middle, on the left, or on the right.

That way you could have an attacking four of


Mata Hazard Sturridge

That way you could have Hazard and Mata swapping positions throughout the course of the game, and Hazard could also play on the right whenever Sturridge doesn't play, giving you more versatility. Couple that with the fact that both Hazard and Mata have a great shot on them, it would make you far more dangerous in my opinion. No one in that front four is exactly slow either. Sturridge may need to be upgraded at some point though, unless someone can stop him from shooting everytime he is within 35 yards of goal.
Some people like the "fluid" movement based forward line but I'm still a fan of how Mourinho had us working. Organised compact narrow defence, industrious midfield, pace and creativity on the wings and a powerful centre forward. We are SO slow these days that its just tedious to watch (and the results aren't good either).

I've never been sucked into the hype of trying to emulate Barcelona and I personally think its a waste of time trying to. They do what they do very well, but it isn't the only path to success. In fact, in a grudging complement, I'd rather play like Spurs are this season than them. Your system isn't far off how Mourinho had us playing, but our midfield was less creative and more domineering. Our defence was also a lot better but you've been much more attack orientated, with the exception of Jose's first season. I thought it was basically the same system, different philosophy. Thats the style I enjoy and what I personally feel works best in the Premier League. Even City are having problems breaking teams down lately and they play a very intricate passing game with some very creative players. At least they did when on top form.

Anyway, I liked Willian more than Hazard because he seemed to produce what we really needed. Somebody to maraud that left wing with some trickery and pace and really get at defenders. Mata isn't particularly pacey but he can run through defences, the problem is he has to move into midfield to open teams up and we're stuck without a left wing. We've also got a problem of teams trying to mark him out of the game. He essentially does two jobs at once at the moment and its unacceptable. Hazard is no doubt the more talented (against Willian) but I don't think he's the perfect fit. Not that I'd say no to him.
I wouldn't be too happy about him going to Tottenham. When quality players such as him comes to the PL I'd prefer if it was to us and not our closest rivals.
How much are Lille going to want? £25m? £30m? Not sure Levy would want to open his wallet that wide for one player (although not saying he's not able to).

Unless they cash in on Bale perhaps.
Wasn't Mourinho intersted in Hazard for Madrid earlier in the year?
Mourinho + Hazard to spurs?
117 M34 said:
Wasn't Mourinho intersted in Hazard for Madrid earlier in the year?
Mourinho + Hazard to spurs?

It appears Zidane (not Mourinho) is very eager to get him to Madrid, but Hazard said himself how he didn't feel like going to either Madrid or Barcelona as he thought he wouldn't get the playing time he needs to improve his game.
I do love some of the nonsense written by ill informed fans of other clubs about Spurs...

Firstly, there is no wage structure, there is no ceiling in place.... DL pays what he feels is appropriate and what he can negotiate (and he really can negotiate)....

Bale and Modric have both got new contracts on the table that will make them both Spurs first £100k a week players.... should they sign them, both will be "under contract" at Spurs until 2016....

Hazard has a release clause in his contract at €40m.... however that is to join another French side... transfer fee will be between £20-£25m.... Since the January 2011 window, we have spent £8m on players... Friedel, Parker, Ade (loan fee), Saha, Pienaar.... and having sold Crouch/Palacios for £16m, Pav for £8m, Keane for £2.5m, Hutton for £4m.... removed top wage earners from the payroll Crouch, Keane who along with King were the highest paid players at the club, Woodgate another released on big money...

The surplus in what we have spent compared to the fees received for players sold will cover the transfer fee for Hazard....

All that prudent work financially, coupled with the CL money barely touched from last season means we have a nice transfer kitty for this summer....

As for the new stadium, this took another big step forwards this week, when the amendments to the associated developments around the stadium were approved by the local council along with the local and central govt. funding.....

Spurs now have no obligations financially to improve the local transport, roads, stations etc... saving some £30m.... The scheme has the cost at around £400m for the new stadium and surrounding area re-development... the Supermarket will be the first part to be built, earmarked to start this autumn with a Supermarket chain already to take it over. Naming rights for the Stadium will cover close to 50% of the cost... meaning the club would need to fund close to £200m themselves....

This is still over £200m less than Arsenal had to borrow to build their stadium... many people forget we are in the midst of a "double-dip" recession, where a construction contract like this is very attractive for bidders, I would expect the club to have a high level of competition among companies wanting the contract....

It will have an effect in the future on what we might spend (but so will the FFP's) but bearing in mind the stadium won't be completed for upto 3-4 years, not sure it will effect what we are spending in the transfer market this summer....
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