FA Cup Final | Ticket Advice

Can’t be arsed reading the replies but the bottom line for me is if you’re not in the scheme then you’ve got a cheek expecting that you’re gonna get to the final
Can’t be arsed reading the replies but the bottom line for me is if you’re not in the scheme then you’ve got a cheek expecting that you’re gonna get to the final
I've got kids, financial responsibilities and a life outside of football so unfortunately can't afford to go to every single game including all the champions league games I take my son too but want to take him for his first trip to Wembley. Sorry for the cheek. You bell end.
Can’t be arsed reading the replies but the bottom line for me is if you’re not in the scheme then you’ve got a cheek expecting that you’re gonna get to the final
Why would anyone who's not in the scheme have a cheek, if those on the scheme are offered tickets and decline? I am fairly certain, that given the repetitive cost, regularity and absolute ball-ache Wembley trips have now become, that all Seasoncard holders will be offered a purchase opportunity.

If it's United, and remembering just how unsavoury our previous 2 games at Wembley against them have been, I think it's not unlikely that the greater demand would be for a Brighton final.

Finally, for those who may be desperate to go, but may think they won't qualify for a purchase window, then contemplate emailing your local FA. For the 2011 Stoke Final, I took a chance of contacting both my local FA and the Army FA and explained I was desperate to have a chance to go to our first FA Cup Final in 42 years, and both Associations offered me 2 pairs of tickets at face value! Each Association gets about 50 tickets scattered around the stadium for each club and, after speaking to the Army FA secretary at the time, it is frowned upon by the main FA if they fail to sell them on to local fans, in the FA's pursuit of making the game accessible to people throughout the land.
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Why would anyone who's not in the scheme have a cheek, if those on the scheme are offered tickets and decline? I am fairly certain, that given the repetitive cost, regularity and absolute ball-ache Wembley trips have now become, that all Seasoncard holders will be offered a purchase opportunity.

If it's United, and remembering just how unsavoury our previous 2 games at Wembley against them have been, I think it's not unlikely that the greater demand would be for a Brighton final.

Finally, for those who may be desperate to go, but may think they won't qualify for a purchase window, then contemplate emailing your local FA. For the 2011 Stoke Final, I took a chance of contacting both my local FA and the Army FA and explained I was desperate to have a chance to go to our first FA Cuo Final in 42 years, and both Associations offered me 2 pairs of tickets at face value! Each Association gets about 50 tickets scattered around the stadium for each club and, after speaking to the Army FA secretary at the time, it is frowned upon by the main FA if they fail to sell them on to local fans, in the FA's pursuit of making the game accessible to people throughout the land.
Cheers blue!
Can anyone who was at the semi tell me how they got on with a print at home ticket (city did some for those who have a plastic seasoncard), and did you have to show your ticket down where the ramp used to be as well as at the turnstiles? Planning on taking my little boy on my mums 065 ticket and hoping for no problems with a 6 year old boy clearly not being an 065 woman (same price band i know, but still can come across a jobsworth)

Mum's been with me from 2011 for every league cup final, fa cup final, and com shield (and 99) at wembley, so i need to take my son to keep my mind off her not being with me - plus he'll love it, and, hopefully mum will still be here to watch it on the telly, she's proving the hospital wrong so far, and every day is a bonus. From my first match with her in 1985, she'll always be there with me even when she's not...

Let's win that cup!

No ticket checks at all yesterday
Why would anyone who's not in the scheme have a cheek, if those on the scheme are offered tickets and decline? I am fairly certain, that given the repetitive cost, regularity and absolute ball-ache Wembley trips have now become, that all Seasoncard holders will be offered a purchase opportunity.

If it's United, and remembering just how unsavoury our previous 2 games at Wembley against them have been, I think it's not unlikely that the greater demand would be for a Brighton final.

Finally, for those who may be desperate to go, but may think they won't qualify for a purchase window, then contemplate emailing your local FA. For the 2011 Stoke Final, I took a chance of contacting both my local FA and the Army FA and explained I was desperate to have a chance to go to our first FA Cup Final in 42 years, and both Associations offered me 2 pairs of tickets at face value! Each Association gets about 50 tickets scattered around the stadium for each club and, after speaking to the Army FA secretary at the time, it is frowned upon by the main FA if they fail to sell them on to local fans, in the FA's pursuit of making the game accessible to people throughout the land.

For the Spurs final I wrote to every team in the league FA everyone and didn't even receive one reply
Can’t be arsed reading the replies but the bottom line for me is if you’re not in the scheme then you’ve got a cheek expecting that you’re gonna get to the final
Utter nonsense. I'm hoping to get to the final, even though I'll be among the last to qualify, being a lowly Citizen member. How is that "cheek"? I'm assuming those in the cup schemes are high up the list of those who qualify, yes? Therefore, any tickets taken up by other fans will have been not taken up by fans on the cup scheme. "cheek" doesn't enter into it. Shitty attitude fella.

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