Fed Up Messi

blue banks

Well-Known Member
19 Jul 2009
It struck me when Messi went up and collected his Golden Ball as Player of the Tournament in Brazil that maybe he thought that the time had come for him to give up football altogether. Messi is just a kid who loves playing football - he never set out to be best player in the world, never aspired to hold this record or that record, never wanted a crazy transfer fee or buyout clause slung around his neck, never wanted to compete between other players for the Balon D'Or, never claimed to be Argentina's saviour - he just wanted to play football to a standard where he could make a living from it and/or express the pride he feels of being Argentinian and helping them become successful.

To see him so fed up was pretty sad - to even get the impression from him that the innocence of playing the game he loves had been taken from him by the media and other third parties, is quite sad. I might be being naive and he may well be a greedy money grabber, but the thought just struck me so I said I'd post.
Think he's one of a few players that have played so much football that the only way they will get back to their best is if they took 2 or 3 months out and came back refreshed and wanting to play again. I'm hoping we see the benefit of Silva getting home early this summer.
karen7 said:
Looked to me like he knew he didn't deserve that award which he didn't


He's probably just fed up with the #Messi tag around his neck more than anything, as he could play a bad game but because he is "the worlds best player" even many of his bad performances are praised by the worlds press.

As mentioned above, he seems like one of those players that would benefit from a break for several months of no football.
I do hate this adolescent standard he is put to regarding "to be the best he has to win a world cup..." and so on.
Those are personal standards and it is unfair to say must be judged by them.
I judge him on the basis of his skill and creativity, who he plays with and against. With that imo he is the best ever, i am not a fan boy of any one player it is just what i think from what i have observed.

It is a different game from when Maradonna played and players should be judged by the days they played.

Even last season when he was injured for a long time you would barely know with all the rhetoric from "sports journalists".
Any reference to it was buried beneath an avalanche of superlatives related to Ronaldo "overtaking" Messi as the best player in the world atm.
His stats were still amazing and the media are all to quick to create a doom and gloom scenario.
I don't know if that is to make all the plastic utd fans buy the paper or click the links because "Their Ronny" has a good article or if it is just a standard practice.
Either way i find it slightly repulsive.

I also would put money on it if you asked other top forwards or midfielders who they would rather play with out of Messi and Ronaldo they would nearly all pick Messi.

I digress...

I think he still loves the game but to much shit on his shoulders as you mention he never wanted or asked for.
Screw ffp, i would get a bid in for him.
His team had just lost the biggest game in football and he had to pose for pictures, most would have a face like a slapped arse.

Coupled with perhaps embarrassment at accepting an award he knows he didn't deserve.
He looks worn out. He's had more injuries than normal, yet been criticised to the hilt despite scoring an outstanding 44 goals in club football after missing around 20 games. The Maradonna comparison has been ringing through his ears, the media and everyone's lips in the last 2 years building up to the World Cup. I think it's all taken its toll this year.

The reality of the most recent World Cups are that an individual doesn't win it for their team anymore. The Brazil of 2002, Italy of 2006, Spain of 2010 and Germany this year were all good as a unit which is something Argentina lack, as do many teams. He needs some time away from the limelight, some recovery time and for Barcelona to sort out their defence and midfield issues. Then we will see him back to his happy, excellent self I think.

The reality is, he knows his feelings and where his head is at.
Are we really looking for reasons for why someone would look miserable moments after losing the world cup final?

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