Gagging order

I’ve found it on social media alright. One of their previous managers had a super injunction out at one point although he was a known nasty piece of work who had previous history with out of our former managers.
I've worked it out 99% and since seen rumours on twitter from that club's fans.

The telegraph mentioned it was a club exec the other day.

London police force for latest issue, so look at owners/execs/chairmen at current London Prem clubs.

Previous historical 90s instance investigated by a different police force, so somebody who also worked in a different region back then.

If you look through these points it leads to one standout name.
Would that someone be, as Bentley Rhythm Ace would put it, once a "Midlander, there can only be one"
Now more likely to be an "East Ender" and was made to look the right muppet he is by Chris Morris
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Can anyone clarify whether this "boss" is at the same club as the two 19 year olds accused of rape? Thanks
Please be very careful as to what you are posting. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who a lot of you were hinting at. And I'm sure @Ric doesn't need any legal issues to deal with. Thanks.
It's a fucking mystery to me. Absolutely no fucking idea who they're on about.

Off to Reddit.......

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