Getting Rid of Bees

Kompany Car

Well-Known Member
19 Sep 2015
Nothing to do with Barnet or Brentford just in case there there are any closet fans on the site, but instead the irritating little shits who seem to have chosen my loft to make a nest in.

Now I know that they are vital to the ecosystem, but they are also bloody irritating when you are trying to get to sleep and you keep hearing a buzz every 10 minutes during the night. I think they are below the insulation and the nest is on top of the plasterboard hence the noise.

Wife phone the pest controller and they said they could treat them but it often took 3 treatments to get rid of them at £60 a shot and suggest we left them, in true wife style she just said OK and put the phone down without asking anything more.

Think they are Bumble Bees just wanted to know if anybody has got any idea how long they nest for before they bugger off or do I need to start charging them rent.
Id be surprised if you could find an exterminator who will remove them if they are bumble bee's.

Maybe worth trying to find a local bee keeper to see if they can work out how to take them off your hands.

Edit, looks like they will only remove pure honey bees.
Mint. They hate the smell. Lavender attracts them though so get rid of any about.
I have them in one of my air bricks,i'm leaving them to it,the honeysuckle is right next to it and we need bees as they are dying out

Leave the telly or radio on at a very low volume and it will drown them out,you can sleep with white noise on but not something like bees having a party
The best bet is ask around or contact a local bee keeper. If the hive is pretty easy to access they may not even charge if it is honey bees. They otherwise still have an affinity for bees so would, i think, remove any type of bee if the alternative was risk of death to the colony. Since it is at your house this is considered high risk due to the obvious so a keeper would possibly reason away it is best to help free or for a fee likely below that of a proper removal service.

That said i can't say i know any beekeepers or have ever met one, no idea how many people do it but there must be someone near you who does?
I have a bee nest in the wall cavity as the boiler engineer left the expansion pipe un-sealed outside. I cemented it in but the bee's now enter through the bottom air brick

Mate in work is a bee keeper - says as long as they are causing no issues just leave them.
Sounds like you have Mason bees, they tend not to cause too much damage and will shoot off soon enough, I have some in my wall cavity

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