Greatest Future Scientific Advances For Humans


Well-Known Member
24 Jul 2009
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So, what are we hoping for from science in the years to come? What in your daily life would be improved by a new scientific advancement? Reversing hair loss seamlessly, regrowing enamel, mastering the use of spider silk, non-invasive ways of cleaning arteries, repairing organs and curing disease? Or are you one for transformation of greenhouse gases into non-harmful substances, or space and time travel made easy, flying to Australia in a mere number of hours, modifying and controlling the weather to produce desired outcomes for the world.

What are you hoping for? small changes that make a big difference to your personal life, or the next big great discovery?
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Bye Bye Cancer. Or at least a known cure and the cause.

No chance, far too much money involved to flat out cure it. Most likely some lifetime course of medication that costs a fortune to keep it at bay
So, what are we hoping for from science in the years to come? What in your daily life would be improved by a new scientific advancement? Reversing hair loss seamlessly, regrowing enamel, mastering the use of spider silk, non-invasive ways of cleaning arteries, repairing organs and curing disease? Or are you one for transformation of greenhouse gases into non-harmful substances, or space and time travel made easy, flying to Australia in a mere number of houses, modifying and controlling the weather to produce desired outcomes for the world.

What are you hoping for? small changes that make a big difference to your personal life, or the next big great discovery?
An automatic spell-checker that works on Bluemoon would be good *houses
LVG to be lifetime manager..... just a thought as I might go and watch them play Chester
Advances in forensics, especially in ballistics and DNA profiling.

I've been waiting 41 years to find out who shot the deputy, after Marley 'fessed up to plugging the sheriff.
The Cancer cure ain't gonna happen. Is just too many variations of it that attack different places of the body at different times with no known trigger. Nice idea and maybe we'll get close to preventing certain forms of it but a blanket cure all medicine won't happen.

Sustainability is a common buzzword, I'd like to see it used properly and for inner cities to become completely independent. Advance solar power, put wind turbines on the roof of buildings, knock down some buildings to create space for Farm animals, recycle water and textiles, might take some doing but it's definitely possible.

And if science can figure out a way to stop everyone blowing each other up then do that.

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