Hip replacements

Few friends had them, one had it about 4 weeks ago, he is slowing getting back to full recovery and others all back to normal, he was in real pain, couldn't bend down to tie his laces, put socks on, etc, as others have said if in pain don't delay it

good luck
I feel your pain. I'm in the same predicament as you. Knew it was coming from a young age due to perthes and it seems to be that time is coming soon. Going seeing the consultant surgeon on Tuesday so it could be very soon. It really hit home how bad it had got at the Sunderland game last week. Felt fine at the start of the day but could bearly walk by the end of the day. I'm 37 now and not sure if i'm dreading the recovery more or looking forward to the pain-free afters. I know it will be a hard slog but at the minute my thought is get it done before it becomes so bad I can't move at all. Good luck to you mate.
Had both hips replaced,prior to the ops I used to play golf at Macclesfield GC,would spend 2 days in bed afterwards recovering.First op right hip 9years back,i was told by a guy in the same ward to get up and about as soon as possible next day they had me up walking the corridor,late afternoon climbing the small flight of stairs,absolutely shattered,but did the same next day,off home later in the day.I'm a widower so 90% of what I needed if I wanted it do it myself or you didn't get it.Distict nurse came every day,daughters morning and evening after work.The NHS provide you with lots of stuff to help you.Don't sit about,be on the move,and for Gods sake don't sit on your arse feeling sorry for yourself.Set targets for each day,1/4 mile 1/2mile and so on."nd op 4 years back same procedure.Play most Seniors comps (Macc,Werneth Low,Disley,Potts Shrigley)all tireing courses in the last month or so.Don't be worried,after the first cut in the Op theater your getting better.keep us informed of your decision.Sooner done soonest mended.Now 70,feeling great,supported the boys in blue for 63years could life be any better.
i lost a game of squash to a guy with a hip replacement. not sure if that's says anything about hip replacements or just me
Slightly different scenario but I broke my hip 2 years ago at the age of 44 - stress injury caused by running. Had a pin inserted the full length of my femur and then subsequently removed a year later. What my consultant told me is that I would be an odds on candidate for a hip replacement in future years. However, I'm back running, cycling and whatever else I fancy but it took me 3 months to get back to some semblance of normality after the first op.

One of my mates has been hobbling around for years as he's reluctant to have a replacement in his early 50's. I suppose it's all relative to the amount of suffering and quality of life you are experiencing. If it's too much, I would have the op now. If you can live with it for a few more years, then I'd hold off for as long as you can. I was lucky in that I was young (relatively) and pretty fit, so my recovery time wasn't too bad. The older you are, the quicker they get you up and running and into physio because it's easier for the muscle to waste away if you are idle for too long.

Another friend of a friend has had both hips done in the last few years but separately - one was better than the other in terms of success.
Just like Wahablue here.
I developed an arthritic hip 5 years ago. Despite anti inflammatory ex and pain relief I was in agony. I spent 6 months having to sleep on the floor because I could not bear the pain caused by anything with any give in it. Could only sit on hard kitchen chairs etc..
Had a new hip in March. Op was done on a Tuesday pm. I was up We'd morning and walking. I was home on Friday. That was a day later than normal cos they had an issue with my blood levels. By 9 weeks I was walking about like normal. The op was a doddle. No post operative pain.
The only think I resented was not being told that for the first 36 hours you have virtually no bladder control!
Just like Wahablue here.
I developed an arthritic hip 5 years ago. Despite anti inflammatory ex and pain relief I was in agony. I spent 6 months having to sleep on the floor because I could not bear the pain caused by anything with any give in it. Could only sit on hard kitchen chairs etc..
Had a new hip in March. Op was done on a Tuesday pm. I was up We'd morning and walking. I was home on Friday. That was a day later than normal cos they had an issue with my blood levels. By 9 weeks I was walking about like normal. The op was a doddle. No post operative pain.
The only think I resented was not being told that for the first 36 hours you have virtually no bladder control!
That's why they get you up and climbing stairs straight away,
Anyone on here had one? Just been to a specialist who's told me I'll need one within 5/10 years. I have the option to have an op that will delay it till my 40s, I'm only 33 feels like I'm to young!

No more running, football, cricket etc. Anyone here had one if so has the impact on your life been overly negative or surprisingly positive?

You're fucked mate, I wouldn't even bother, like putting brand new tyres on a car to have it towed to the scrapyard tbh. You should find out where that specialist lives and brick his windows, he shouldn't be giving people false hope like that the rag ****.

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