Hughes on Sky Sports 1

bluegonads said:
hughes is still a rag.................
he just hinted after the game that the result was a good one for manchester, it was blatently obvious he meant for the rags as he said it with a wry grin.

Err... It was.

City moved up into the top four, clear on points.
United can close the gap on Chelsea.

Potentially, both Manchester sides could have benefited from today's result.
you could see it today he was really pleased with city winning, he was proud of the lads as techically it's kind of still his team he created, i'm still in support of him getting sacked and that won't change, but today we still sawa little hurt mark hughes who really wishes that was him in the dugout today.
It's a bit sad Hughes isn't around to enjoy days like today but I'm affraid certain players let him down badly, all three were abscent from the field today !
I was pleased by his attitude today, and Mark Bowen's when he spoke on the radio a few weeks ago. Honest, hurt but not bitter. I just think that this job came too soon for them, they knew it was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity, and they became a little to focused on defending their position rather than making the most of the opportunity. The pressure was enormous. Maybe he'd handle it differently if it happened all again, because, whilst he was tremendously dignified when he took over, and has behaved perfectly since, there were times inbetween where it got a little unsavoury, too much time spent passing the blame onto players and ex-managers, too much talking down of expectations and too much time spent talking about the failngs of the club.

It's probably knocked the stuffing out of them, but it's also an opportunity for them to look at what they did, and see how they can improve going forward. Just be a bit more positive, accept the challenge and put your balls on the line, lay out the vision and the targets, don't worry so much about managing the expectations, you risk undermining confidence and getting people's backs up. And for godssake's, build your next team from the back, not the other way around!

The Celtic job would be perfect for him, and vice versa.
Unfortunately I didn`t see him today. But I always liked him andI always thought he is class.Good luck for the future, Mark
No axe to grind with him, he seemed pleased we won today and when i met him he was sincere and polite, he is certainly one of the better class of people around in football today.
Lovely guy, still a lot to learn as a manager. Hope he'll always have a soft spot for us - as we the fans will have about him, I think (hope).
bizzbo said:
I was pleased by his attitude today, and Mark Bowen's when he spoke on the radio a few weeks ago. Honest, hurt but not bitter. I just think that this job came too soon for them, they knew it was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity, and they became a little to focused on defending their position rather than making the most of the opportunity. The pressure was enormous. Maybe he'd handle it differently if it happened all again, because, whilst he was tremendously dignified when he took over, and has behaved perfectly since, there were times inbetween where it got a little unsavoury, too much time spent passing the blame onto players and ex-managers, too much talking down of expectations and too much time spent talking about the failngs of the club.

It's probably knocked the stuffing out of them, but it's also an opportunity for them to look at what they did, and see how they can improve going forward. Just be a bit more positive, accept the challenge and put your balls on the line, lay out the vision and the targets, don't worry so much about managing the expectations, you risk undermining confidence and getting people's backs up. And for godssake's, build your next team from the back, not the other way around!

The Celtic job would be perfect for him, and vice versa.

Sums up my feelings for the guy perfectly, cheers mate saved me writing a long boring post ;-)

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