Is there one famous person

kalouk said:
Markt85 said:
kalouk said:
I nominate Kathy Burke for Actress/Comedienne.

Famously suggesting in an open letter to fellow actress Helena Bonham-Carter that she "shut up you stupid ****" . classy

-- Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:01 am --

Hamann Pineapple said:
Tommy Cooper

incessant boozing that several times threatened his marriage; childish tantrums; flashes of violence; a lengthy affair he made his children swear they'd never tell their mother about; and a stinginess that was a showbusiness legend. And he once nearly killed Michael Parkinson

If that is the worst Kathy Burke has done in her life then she is doing well. I read worse on here everyday! My nomination still stands, I think she's great! =)
id love to have a drink with kathy and ray winstone.strange i know but thats the way i roll.

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