its bugging me..


Well-Known Member
4 Aug 2009
all this shit about "top" players not signing for city because they are not in the champs league..well isnt the point in signing these players to get us into the champs league.. ? thats why city are paying these twats a top salary and paying their clubs an inflated transfer fee usually.. its for these so called big players to roll thier fucking sleeves up and get us into the chumps league.. it really pisses me off, they will come when its all rosy and they can show off and play in the glamour games intead of doing what they are paid to do.. win the ugly games as well as the cream fixtures... ok ok rant over....
rossie said:
all this shit about "top" players not signing for city because they are not in the champs league..well isnt the point in signing these players to get us into the champs league.. ? thats why city are paying these twats a top salary and paying their clubs an inflated transfer fee usually.. its for these so called big players to roll thier fucking sleeves up and get us into the chumps league.. it really pisses me off, they will come when its all rosy and they can show off and play in the glamour games intead of doing what they are paid to do.. win the ugly games as well as the cream fixtures... ok ok rant over....

nice one m8, I think gary cock needs to get you negotiating the deals!
It's a short career though mate, and the top guys don't want to take unnecessary risks or waste time if they can help it. Going to City for a top class star will be seen as a risky strategy in terms of his career and public image, especiallly after the slating that Pele gave Robinho. I think we should concentrate on buying starlets guys who aren't quite there yet rather than fretting over household names
rossie said:
all this shit about "top" players not signing for city because they are not in the champs league..well isnt the point in signing these players to get us into the champs league.. ? thats why city are paying these twats a top salary and paying their clubs an inflated transfer fee usually.. its for these so called big players to roll thier fucking sleeves up and get us into the chumps league.. it really pisses me off, they will come when its all rosy and they can show off and play in the glamour games intead of doing what they are paid to do.. win the ugly games as well as the cream fixtures... ok ok rant over....

Well its a bit contradictory from some players isn't it?

I mean we hear Gerrard Torres etc etc etc want Champions League. But as Liverpool saw this year, they dropped into the Europa after a poor campaign.

Did Torres Gerrard etc refuse to play in Europa?....Of course not!

Wanting to go to a club which has CL football guarantees only one thing in my eyes...that you are unlikley to play in every game during the campaign, because they have such a big squad in order to fight on all fronts you cannot guarantee your place.

Would Torres play in a Chelsea team regularly with Drogba, Anelka, and possibly Ibrahimovic?

Someone has to lose out somewhere, that's why I can't understand the fixation by players on the CL

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