Joanna Yeates - Student murdered


Well-Known Member
5 May 2008
They've arrested her landlord on suspicion of her murder:


Surely as soon as the police went round after she disappeared they knew he was a prime suspect just by looking at him?!

Just saw an interview with him on Sky News yesterday. As with Ian Huntley, it's amazing to see how dodgy these people look in front of the cameras. He was so arrogant and calm, bet that only confirmed the police's suspicions.
scall said:
They've arrested her landlord on suspicion of her murder:


Surely as soon as the police went round after she disappeared they knew he was a prime suspect just by looking at him?!

Just saw an interview with him on Sky News yesterday. As with Ian Huntley, it's amazing to see how dodgy these people look in front of the cameras. He was so arrogant and calm, bet that only confirmed the police's suspicions.

The new wig and dowdy clothes don't fool me Mr Gadd....those eyebrows are a giveaway...
Just like the Huntley case, this twat went to the police and tried to make it out like he was helping. He said yesterday he had seen her leave her flat with 2 men, claiming also to be the last one to see her alive. That has most likely aroused the polices suspicions and then the Doc Brown looking twat has been arrested. Horrible waste of a life. I hope he gets arse fucked inside, if convicted of course.
Just the one arrest I think.

The police must have had an idea for a few days now. I know someone who worked on the Soham murders, and only a few days after they disappeared, he was given the job of tailing Ian Huntleys dad to see what he was up to. The police knew that Huntley was suspicious and had his close family watched in case they did something strange to show Huntley had confided in them.

I'm guessing they've had this guy watched for a few days, and I bet the news people got a slight wiff of interest in him (off the record stuff from the police), which is why they waited on the doorstep to chat to him casually. I bet the police got a copy of the footage first to analyse it too.
Gaudino said:
scall said:
They've arrested her landlord on suspicion of her murder:


Surely as soon as the police went round after she disappeared they knew he was a prime suspect just by looking at him?!

Just saw an interview with him on Sky News yesterday. As with Ian Huntley, it's amazing to see how dodgy these people look in front of the cameras. He was so arrogant and calm, bet that only confirmed the police's suspicions.

The new wig and dowdy clothes don't fool me Mr Gadd....those eyebrows are a giveaway...

very very good
Pigeonho said:
Just like the Huntley case, this twat went to the police and tried to make it out like he was helping. He said yesterday he had seen her leave her flat with 2 men, claiming also to be the last one to see her alive. That has most likely aroused the polices suspicions and then the Doc Brown looking twat has been arrested. Horrible waste of a life. I hope he gets arse fucked inside, if convicted of course.

Made me laugh.
Gaudino said:
scall said:
They've arrested her landlord on suspicion of her murder:


Surely as soon as the police went round after she disappeared they knew he was a prime suspect just by looking at him?!

Just saw an interview with him on Sky News yesterday. As with Ian Huntley, it's amazing to see how dodgy these people look in front of the cameras. He was so arrogant and calm, bet that only confirmed the police's suspicions.

The new wig and dowdy clothes don't fool me Mr Gadd....those eyebrows are a giveaway...
Classic bluemoon humour,who said off topic gone shit.

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